Lent, Holy Week & Easter Worship Schedule

As we enter the sacred season of Lent, we invite you to join us at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church for a time of reflection, worship, and celebration. Lent is a season of repentance and renewal, preparing our hearts for the joy of Easter. Each week, we gather to reflect on Christ’s journey to […]

Thanksgiving, Advent & Christmas Worship Schedule

Join us for worship in person or online this Advent & Christmas Season. Advent Midweek 7:00 PM services will be in person and online while the 1:00 PM services will be in person only.        Thanksgiving, Advent, & Christmas Services Thanksgiving Eve Wednesday, November 27th 5:00 PM Advent Services Every Sunday starting Sunday, […]

Advent & Christmas Worship Schedule

Join us for worship in person or online this Advent & Christmas season. Advent Midweek 7:00 PM services will be in person and online while the 1:00 PM services will be in person only.          Thanksgiving Services Thanksgiving Eve Wednesday, November 22nd 7:00 PM Advent Services First Sunday of Advent – Divine […]

Matthew 18:1-5: The Hidden Hero within our Lord’s Advent

This is a confessional address our pastor preached for our Confessional Service, which is a Service of Confession before receiving the Lord’s Supper.   The Son of God humbled Himself to be the Son of Man so we, the children of men, might be exalted to become the children of God.  So, from heaven, the […]

The Gospel According to Isaiah: Isaiah 4o:1-11

The moving descriptions of a foretold Messiah earned Isaiah his nickname: “The Fifth Evangelist.”  Did our Old-Testament reading for today not confirm this?  Still, what a contrast to the dispatch God earlier directed Isaiah to deliver, in chapter 6. Go and tell the people: “Be ever hearing, but never comprehending; always seeing, but never perceiving.”  […]

The Gospel According to Isaiah: Isaiah 64:1-9

The poetry in Isaiah is striking.  The turns of phrase and imagery amplify and repeat.  The people are like grass, soon turning into flowers wilting in the intense, Middle-Eastern sun.  Next, valleys are twisting upward, reaching for the sky, while mountains flatten as they become molten.  Such power resonates in those well-crafted words.  A Hebrew […]

The Value of Patient Endurance

This is our pastor’s newsletter article for the December 2015-January 2016 edition of our congregational newsletter.   Recently, we’ve had some discussion about singing Christmas hymns during Advent. Advent is from the first Sunday after Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve. Christmas is from December 25 to January 6. So, we’ll still let Advent be Advent, a season […]

Midweek Advent Services

This year’s midweek Advent services will focus on the Old Testament Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Through their lives, we will learn how they pointed forward to Jesus Christ. Our midweek services will be on December 5, 12, and 19 at 1:00 and 7:00 PM.  The order of service will be Evening Prayer (yes, even […]

Matthew 21:1-9: Your King Comes, Righteous and Having Salvation

“Behold, your king is coming to you, righteous and having salvation.”  Are you ready for your King?  Are you ready for His visit?  Are you prepared for His grand and glorious advent? For that’s what it is: It’s Advent.  It’s not the “holiday season.”   It’s not Black Friday morphing into the pre-Christmas shopping season.  It’s […]

2 Peter 3:8-14: Be spotless, blameless, and at peace with God

This is a confessional address, which is much shorter than a typical sermon.  The service today was a confessional service in preparation to receive Christ’s Body and Blood in His holy Supper.  Following the service was our Altar Guild’s “Hanging of the Greens” ceremony. ————- About 200 years after Jesus’ ascension into heaven, a man […]