
Thanksgiving, Advent & Christmas Worship Schedule
Join us for worship in person or online this Advent & Christmas Season. Advent Midweek … [Read More...]

Join Us for the Annual German Dinner at Shepherd of the Hills!
Join Us for the Annual German Dinner at Shepherd of the Hills! When: Saturday, October … [Read More...]

The Vacant Tomb
By Pr. Rich Futrell The Solemn Journey Early Sunday morning, while dawn kissed the horizon … [Read More...]
Philippians 1:12-13, 19-30: Suffering, Never Fun, but…
From many a pulpit, a twisted narrative too often resounds. Such preachers clamor to offer … [More...]
Genesis 50:15-21: Forgiveness in Full
Step into an ancient saga woven in time. This tale, spun from the threads of envy and … [More...]
Romans 13:1-10: God and Government
God erupted with a thunderous roar and cleaved the Red Sea. Fish and seaweed scattered, … [More...]

Rhythms of Grace: Dancing with God in Daily Life
By Pr. Rich Futrell In the beginning, God’s voice sang in symphony and crafted the cosmos. From the dust of the earth, He sculpted Adam, infusing him with the breath of life. Soon, sin crept in, and its discord fractured the harmony between God and man. Darkness descended and draped the land, a world of wonder now lost in brokenness and despair. Except, God refused to abandon His beloved children. … [More...]
Family Dysfunction
By Pr. Rich Futrell The family is the basic building block of society, where we experience and learn how to love, trust, and respect another. Yet, where do we first suffer pain, hurt, and betrayal? In the same location—our families! For a home, a place aglow with affection and security, likewise, troubles with defect and dysfunction. The Old Testament swarms with such examples. Try to find a … [More...]
Certainty Amid our Uncertainties
Here is our pastor's article for our church newsletter for November 2021. Rich, poor, man or woman, major and minor setbacks befall each and all. How can they not, since we are crestfallen creatures living in a sin-corrupted world? Whenever these certitudes come, events force us to pick up the pieces and start afresh. Otherwise, we withdraw from life. Of course, we might also lie to ourselves … [More...]

Eyes and Ears, Old and New
“Whatever we ask of you, teacher, we want you to do” (Mark 10:35). So, Jesus must again reorient His twelve toward a kingdom opened by His suffering, which He described as drinking from a cup (Matthew 20:22). In God’s kingdom, greatness comes in lowliness, where God gives His grace to the humble. Almost every Apostle of Jesus will, one day, “drink the cup” of martyrdom, beginning with James. Until … [More...]