Our Lord’s ascension is a continuing celebration of His incarnation. It celebrates that Jesus, true God of true God, became man. Jesus became man to save us from our sins. […]
Augsburg Confession, Articles 10 (continued), 12
Review on the Lord’s Supper: Closed Communion Last week, we looked at what we believe about the Lord’s Supper (and confession and absolution). In today’s culture, we may have many […]
Acts, Lesson 2: Jesus ascends and then sends the Holy Spirit
Jesus had just told His Apostles that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit would descend on them. The Spirit would empower them to speak of what their eyes […]
1 Peter 3:13-22: Confessing and Defending the Faith
In today’s Church, probably for about the last 200 years, we’ve often heard about Christian “witnessing,” telling others about Jesus, and how every Christian is supposed to be a witness. […]
Augsburg Confession, Articles 10-11: The Lord’s Supper and Private Confession
AC X: The Lord’s Supper Our churches teach that the body and blood of Christ are truly present and are distributed to those who eat the Lord’s Supper [1 Corinthians […]
Acts, Lesson 1: Introduction and Acts 1:1-8
Overview Author: St. Luke. Within the book of Acts, the author does not state who he is. Church tradition, reaching back to the 2nd century, identifies the author as Luke, […]
Tradition in Christ’s Church, Part 2
This is our pastor’s newsletter article for June, 2014. In last month’s newsletter article, we learned that tradition is not a bad word. In truth, we learned the opposite: Tradition […]
Exodus 29, 1 Peter 2:9: You are a Royal Priesthood
If you and I were living when Jesus still walked the earth–and if we were Jews, we could go into the Temple. Now, Gentiles couldn’t, but Jews could. Yet, even […]
Augsburg Confession, Articles 8-9
AC VIII: The Church (Part 1) Properly speaking, the Church is the assembly of saints and true believers. However, since in this life many hypocrites and evil persons are mingled […]
Augsburg Confession, Articles 6-7
AC VI: New Obedience Our churches teach that this faith is bound to bring forth good fruits [Galatians 5:22-23] and that it should do good works commanded by God [Ephesians […]