Matthew 17:1-9: Hidden Within the Transfiguration is the Greater Glory of the Cross

Our Lord’s transfiguration is a spectacular event bringing together many holy pieces. An otherworldly radiance emanates from Jesus, His body glowing with a light brighter than the sun. Shrouded in His divinity, Jesus converses with two renowned seers of old, Moses and Elijah, discussing His impending departure. Reverence and awe fill the air as the […]

Matthew 5:23-24: Be Reconciled

“Leave your gift at the altar and go. First, reconcile with your brother. After, come and offer your gift” (Matthew 5:24). The Lord’s words resonated through the crowd during a sermon on the Mount in Galilee. Those salt-of-the-earth folks often journeyed to Jerusalem to bring offerings to the Temple. So, they understood what Jesus meant. […]

1 Corinthians 2:1-16: Christ’s Cross Casts Its Beams

The night engulfs the day sky, a blanket descending upon the earth. Death looms in the afternoon, the sun retreating its rays, ashamed by the spectacle. On two rough-hewn beams of wood hang a man who transcends our shadows and frees us from our darkness. Final gasping words pierce the gloom, declaring no sin is […]

1 Corinthians 1:26-31: Christ Jesus Stands, Forever Faithful and True

The fallen world and its coursings confirm this current creation is never far from self-destruction. Disasters push upheaval into our lives. The earth shakes, the heavens rumble, creatures cry, and rivers swell. The wind of change blows a chill. Sturdy trees bend and twist, mere twigs against the storm’s power. Hurricane winds rampage through a […]

Matthew 4:12-25: Where Jesus is Present, the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand

At the worst of times, a king and his kingdom can be oppressive, a hierarchical arrangement most unwavering. Authority lies in the hands of one man, his word as the nation’s command. Obedient subjects bow to his every decree. The King’s word is final, and any infraction might punish or banish. At its best, a […]

Promised Treasures

  Here is our pastor’s newsletter article for February 2023, which tells of our Lenten Midweek services.   With a few blinks and the sun dwindling on the horizon, Lent will soon be upon us, arriving on February 22nd. Each Lenten season provides us another opportunity to relearn the value of repentance and turn away […]

Isaiah 42:1-9: One Word

God’s ancient seer and prophet, Isaiah, needs no cackle or scream to pronounce justice in the land. In silent strength, a mere breath of a word will do! No clamor or loudness, only a single word, a whisper of truth to fulfill something unheard of in earlier centuries of shouting. From today’s Old Testament text, […]

Matthew 2:1-12: The Fragile World of Herod and the Wise Men

This morning, we celebrate Epiphany. Into our ears, Matthew paints a palette, vibrant in hue, an intricate tapestry woven together in a sacred narrative. Within a rich text, he shows us a derelict landscape fragmented by dark indiscretions yet still dappled with divinity’s life-giving light. Let’s begin with the fragile realm inside our Gospel reading. […]

Matthew 2:13-23: Herod’s Futile Rage

The journey began in haste, prompted by an unexpected influx of light and song. Gladsome tidings echo through the countryside as mighty angels appear, heralding Jesus’ arrival as the world’s Savior. So, humble shepherds pay homage to their newborn Lord, falling before Him in worship. Not long after, wise travelers from afar follow the splendor […]

Luke 2:19: Mary Pondered…

Now are the moments for deep reflection, the hour of contemplation. Linger in the depths of the word “ponder.” Like meditate, though less strenuous, conveying something more suited. Its Latin root, pondus, bespeaks of heaviness, of considering and weighing matters with care, to hold in balance. Thus, “Mary treasured the shepherds’ every word, pondering them […]