Isaiah 42:1-9: One Word

God’s ancient seer and prophet, Isaiah, needs no cackle or scream to pronounce justice in the land. In silent strength, a mere breath of a word will do! No clamor […]

John 1:1-4, Hebrews 1:1-3: The Word and the Son

Today, the 25th of December, far removed from unknown ages, when our God created the heavens and earth, forming Adam in His image.  Much time elapses, and God sends a […]

John: Lesson 5: Jesus Points the People to His Word (John 4:27-4:54)

Recap and Intro Like Nicodemus, the woman did not get the “greater” sign (living water).  She did, however, recognize Jesus came from God by the “lesser” signs He gave her: […]

Reformation 1: Isaiah 55:10-13, 1 Peter 1:22-25, John 1:1-5, 14: The Word

“Now, if I told you once, I told you a thousand times.”  A dressing-down entwines itself in those words.  Often, we scold children through this warning, with an explanation trailing […]