To free His people from slavery, God gives them His Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Every year after, so these reclaimed of God don’t forget, He tells them to celebrate these rituals for as long as they are His people. After their rescue, after the Red Sea, He teaches them more on worship. […]
Luke 19:41-48: The Thresher, the Threshing Floor, and the Temple
A threshing floor is a violent place, of division and separation. A farmer takes the cultivated harvest and casts the grain stalks on to a compacted floor. Sinewy muscles stretch and strain, beating and separating the seed’s outer bran from the starchy inside. Now, if wealthier, an ox will trudge through this crushing task, not […]
Acts 2:41-44: The Fulfilled Synagogue and Temple in the Divine Service
Long ago, in ages past, the Creator remembered, recalling the promise He made to Abraham. “Through [Abraham, God will bless], all the people of the earth” (Genesis 12:3). So, years later, the Almighty enlists a Hebrew man raised in an Egyptian household, Moses. Through him, the remembering God rescues these descendants of the promise, using […]
Our Life with God, Lesson 3
Being More than Beggars, We also Join with the Saints and Angels in Eternity In our Christian lives, as we journey from the font to the grave, we walk before God the Father as beggars. But that isn’t the full story. We may be beggars, but we also associate with the holy angels! In Christ […]
Luke 19:41-48: Jesus, the Incarnate Temple, Brings True Peace
Jeri was breathtakingly beautiful. All the men wanted to be with her, and all the women wanted to be her. But more than that, she was intelligent and industrious. She also had the best husband in the world, someone who was faithful, loyal, and caring, someone who sacrificed for her. Jeri’s husband made sure that […]
1 Corinthians, Lesson 5: The Role of Pastors and the Congregation
Being God’s Temple Read 1 Corinthians 3:16 Scriptures teaches us that the body of an individual Christian is God’s Temple (1 Corinthians 6:19), the congregation when it gathers for worship is God’s Temple (1 Corinthians 3:17), as well as the entire Church (Ephesians 2:19-22). In these verses, the “you” is plural, referring not to the […]
Understanding New-Covenant Worship as the Fulfillment of the Old
Worship before God gave Moses instructions on worship From the dawn of time, proper worship of God involved resting from work on the Sabbath day to hear God’s Word (Genesis 2:3). At first, that Word was proclaimed by word of mouth with no written Scriptures: Adam to Seth, Seth to Enosh, Enosh to Kenan, and […]
John 2:13-22: Jesus Cleanses the Temple
Today, we hear about a Jesus who doesn’t match what we usually think of Him. We see Jesus as our friend, even our buddy. We see him as a pleasant, smiling person who never confronts anyone but is always there to confirm whatever you may be doing. That’s the Jesus we want. That’s also the […]