Matthew 28:16-20: The Holy Trinity

Right now, I’m going to warn you. I’m going to use the word “catholic” a lot in this sermon. That’s because “catholic” is a Lutheran word, even a Christian word! […]

Acts, Lesson 3: A glimpse into the earliest New-Covenant Church

In the last lesson, pastor taught that the “they” in Acts 2:1 referred to the entire Christian Church at the time: those before whom Peter spoke (Acts 1:15). And we […]

Augsburg Confession, Articles 8-9

AC VIII: The Church (Part 1) Properly speaking, the Church is the assembly of saints and true believers. However, since in this life many hypocrites and evil persons are mingled […]

Understanding New-Covenant Worship as the Fulfillment of the Old

Worship before God gave Moses instructions on worship  From the dawn of time, proper worship of God involved resting from work on the Sabbath day to hear God’s Word (Genesis […]

Romans 6:1-11: Baptized into Christ’s Death and Life

Water is the substance of life.  We cannot live without it.  Plants and animals cannot survive without it.  We drink water to keep ourselves from dehydrating and dying of thirst.  […]

Joshua 3: God’s Use of Water to Bring You into His Promised Land

Oh, Paradise; Paradise is the place to be!  Long ago in the Garden of Eden, the garden of Paradise, our first parents, Adam and Eve, lived.  They had perfect joy, […]

From Adam to Jesus: Circumcision

Almost out of the blue, the Bible introduces us to Abram.  From the faithful line of Noah’s descendants, from Noah’s son, Shem, comes the first of the great patriarchs: “Abraham […]

From Adam to Jesus: The Rainbow

Priestly Service Last week, in our lesson at least, God finished creating the world.  We also saw how Moses described the world’s creation in much the same way as the […]

Holy Trinity: John 3:1-17

Paradox: That’s an underlying reality for the Feast of the Holy Trinity.  For the Holy Trinity is the paradox of all paradoxes.  And what is a paradox?  It’s a seeming […]

Acts 8:26-40: What is to keep me from being baptized?

An angel of the Lord sends Philip chasing after a chariot.  A eunuch from Ethiopia is reading the Prophet Isaiah.  He reads about Jesus but doesn’t know that.  Then he comes […]