Water Gives Life

Water is vital to sustaining life, second only to the air we breathe. This vitality-giving liquid touches our lives daily, shaped by its temperature and our needs. Without its replenishment, […]

Isaiah 12:1-6: Drinking From the Wells of Salvation

With faces still wet from the mist of the Sea, the Israelites sing out, celebrating their deliverance from Egypt.  So momentous the event, their tongues cannot stay silent, their melodic […]

Exodus 17:1-7: The Rock is Christ

The hymn writer, Augustus Toplady, best-known for “Rock of Ages,” grew up in a religious English family.  Contrary to his upbringing, he later left the Church as a young man. […]

Holy Trinity: John 3:1-17

Paradox: That’s an underlying reality for the Feast of the Holy Trinity.  For the Holy Trinity is the paradox of all paradoxes.  And what is a paradox?  It’s a seeming […]