Revelation, Lesson 6: Heavenly Worship, Part 1

Chapters 4-5: Heavenly Worship, Part 1 We now find the Spirit giving John a glimpse of heavenly worship.  The “things that are,” which he sees, include many worship scenes.  John […]

Revelation, Lesson 4: Chapter 1, “What You Have Seen”

The First Vision Read Revelation 1:9-11 –          Why was John on Patmos?   –          What does John being “in the Spirit” and receiving what he does “on the Lord’s day” […]

Pastor Will Weedon to Head LC-MS’ Commission on Worship

by Pr. Charles Lehmann Every time the Verba are spoken by one of the Lord’s pastors over the bread and wine, heaven comes down to earth. Angels, archangels, and all […]

The Didache, Lesson 8: Tradition and Confession

Following Tradition 4:12  Hate hypocrisy and everything that is not pleasing to the Lord. The Didache’s warning, in its context, is that we should guard against every sin and not […]

Worship: A Matter of Preference?

This is our pastor’s latest article for the Stone County Gazette, the local paper for Kimberling City.  The article is woefully short because of length restrictions.  But it does get […]

Challenges for Lutheranism Today (and so also for the LWML)

This is the October Bible study for our LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League), which focuses on the challenges that exist for the Lutheran Church today. ———- On September 10, 2011, […]

Multisensory Worship, Pt 2

Continued Thoughts on Multisensory Worship By Pr. Rich Futrell Last month we began to look at how God has always used all of our senses during worship.  This month, we […]

Multisensory Worship, Part 1

This is the first of two articles I wrote for the congregational newsletter on the multisensoryness of worship. Multisensory Worship, Part 1 By Pr. Rich Futrell In Matthew 15:8, Jesus […]

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