Exodus, Lesson 29: The Golden Calf

Moses has just finished receiving his instructions from God on how He was to be worshiped.  Yet, while Moses was receiving God’s instructions for 40 days (Exodus 24:18), the people […]

Exodus, Lesson 27: The Daily Sacrifices, Incense, and Tithing

We still find Moses on Mt. Sinai receiving instructions from God.  Last week, God told Moses how he was to anoint, consecrate, and ordaining priests into the Old-Covenant Priesthood.  God […]

Worship Reflecting a God-Given Pattern

This in an excursus on worship from a lesson on the Old-Testament book of Exodus.  It speaks to many of the issues concerning worship in our current-day setting. Exodus 25:40: “See […]

Properly Formed New-Covenant Worship

Our True Citizenship 1 Peter 1:1-2: Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ: To God’s elect, exiles scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, chosen according to […]

Hebrews 12:22-24: Worshiping with the Saints and Angels

After Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead, the Jewish leadership had decided it was better for the people if Jesus was dead.  They said, “If we let Jesus go […]

On Holy Ground

This is our pastor’s next article for the Stone County Gazette.   Moses was in the wilderness watching over his father-in-law’s flock.  That was nothing extraordinary.  But as Moses was […]

Commemoration of the Birth of St. Augustine of Hippo, November 13th

This is the sermon our pastor preach at the Springfield, MO pastoral circuit meeting on November 13th. Texts: Revelation 7:9-12, 8:1-4; Hebrews 12:22-29   Augustine was born on November 13th, […]

Revelation 7:2-17: With All the Company of Heaven

“Who can stand?”  That’s the question at the end of Revelation chapter 6.  In that chapter, the entire cosmos rumbles and quakes to its foundation.  The sun goes black, and […]

Living Out the Faith in the Lutheran Church

By Pastor Rich Futrell  All congregations and pastors in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod pledge to uphold and follow the Lutheran Confessions.  That’s a basic requirement of membership.  And that’s also […]

Revelation, Lesson 7: Chapter 5

Heavenly Worship, Part 2 From the beginning, when we first see God give His people instructions on worship, we find worship to be liturgical (following prescribed patterns, not free form […]