Lent, Holy Week & Easter Worship Schedule

As we enter the sacred season of Lent, we invite you to join us at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church for a time of reflection, worship, and celebration. Lent is a season of repentance and renewal, preparing our hearts for the joy of Easter. Each week, we gather to reflect on Christ’s journey to […]

Lent & Holy Week Worship Schedule

Join us for worship in person or online this Lent & Easter Season. Lenten Midweek 7:00 PM services will be in person and online while the 1:00 PM services will be in person only.          Transfiguration, Ash Wednesday & Lenten Services Transfiguration Sunday Sunday, February 11th 9:30 AM Ash Wednesday Wednesday, February 14th […]

The Matter of Lent and Why It Matters

By Pr. Rich Futrell Such a strange time Lent can be.  For the non-Christian, all kinds of religious activities are taking place, which few can explain.  For Christians, unless they are Roman Catholic, Lutheran, or Eastern Orthodox, Lent may be as much a mystery to them as for the unbeliever.  Some may also consider this […]

It’s Not Either Or

This is our pastor’s article for the February edition of our congregational newsletter. The longer I’m a pastor, the more I find that what we bring to the table shapes our understanding of Scripture and, thus, the faith, even more than what a Scripture passage may say! Let me give you a personal example. About […]

1 Peter 1:18-19: Christ Has Made You Without Blemish or Defect

We’ve all heard the term “spring cleaning.”  That’s when, often during spring, you take extra time to clean the house from winter’s buildup of dirt and dust.  Yes, all of us find that we need to, now and then, stop and do some serious cleaning around our house. And although we can live with some […]

The Wound of Mockery: Matthew 27:27-31

They thought it was hysterical–this Galilean peasant pretending to be a king.  It made them laugh.  So, they decided to have some fun with His obvious delusion.  The soldiers began by taking away His clothes.  He had to stand there naked as they mocked Him.  Then, they found a beautiful scarlet robe and put that […]

The Wound of Denial: Matthew 26:69-75

Peter loved his Lord.  Peter boldly declared to Jesus, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16).  This was the Peter who, after Jesus said, “One of you will betray me,” responded with, “Surely, not I Lord!”  This was the Peter who later said, “Even if all fall away because of […]

The Wound of Apathy: Matthew 26:36-45

Jesus did not want to be alone as He wrestled in prayer that night.  How often we forget that our blessed Lord was, and is, fully human!  He needed the comfort of companionship.  He needed encouragement from others.  And so, as Jesus leaves the larger group of His disciples behind, He takes with Him His […]

The Wound of Betrayal: Matthew 26:20-25

The “sore abuse and scorn” that scourged our Lord’s head “with anguish” (LSB 450:2) began long before the physical abuse.  It began with the actions of a friend, of one whom He loved.  It began with a companion with whom He had traveled many miles and shared many meals. This was a wound that weighed […]

Our Lenten Season Radio Ad

This is our latest Radio ad for the season fo Lent on KOMC, 100.1 FM in Branson.   Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church -Mid Lent Season 2012