From many a pulpit, a twisted narrative too often resounds. Such preachers clamor to offer people the promise of easy success. How? By peddling God as someone who always rewards faith with material wealth and physical well-being. Can He do this? Yes. Does He pledge to do so? No. Let’s debunk those common fallacies. Struggles, […]
Genesis 50:15-21: Forgiveness in Full
Step into an ancient saga woven in time. This tale, spun from the threads of envy and betrayal, centers on Joseph, the favored son, and his older siblings. A colorful coat with many hues drapes Joseph’s shoulders. This striking garment testifies to his father’s affection and preferential treatment. A fire of jealousy sparks inside his […]
Celebrating 50 Years
In 1973, Richard Nixon embarked on his second presidential term, only to be tangled in a web of scandal. Weary of war, our last troops came home from Vietnam, closing a chapter of conflict and strife. An oil embargo sent shockwaves, quaking the economy of our nation. In those winds of change, a sanctuary […]
Jesus: King, Commander, and Redeemer
Consider, “Who is your God?” This differs from the abstract “Who is God?” Well, doesn’t the capacity to comprehend God transcend our meager knowledge? So how can we answer this question? To understand God is to realize He exceeds the limits of our ability, of our learning and reciting of facts. Ponder trying to portray […]
Isaiah 55:10-13: Home, Sweet Home!
Growing up nestled in the embrace of a nurturing home leaves you sheltered in love with a trove of cherished memories. Such a loving place becomes a sanctuary and harbor for our hearts. Joy still resonates as the air holds onto the lingering mirth of earlier laughter. Threads of affection lace each corner, woven into […]
Matthew 11:25-30:Easy, the Yoke; Light, the Burden
In the grand expanses of our globe, creatures of towering might lend their strength to the rhythms of life. Draft animals, the unsung heroes of hard labor, help shoulder the burden of man’s toil. In tasks dwarfing our abilities, they till fields, pull carts, and bear heavy loads. Beneath the burning sun, horses, oxen, and […]
Matthew 10:34-42″ The Sword of Peace
Clashes and violence fill our planet, where hatred is as common as the air we breathe. Tune into any news channel, and what greets you? Headlines brim with tales of turmoil. Reports of strife and enmity. Turbulence engulfs—in stark contrast to the virgin-born Christ-Child, whose birthday we celebrated a few months ago. Here we stand […]
John 11: Lazarus, Arise!
Two sisters, whom Jesus loves, send word and beg Him to hurry their way. Lazarus grows ill and soon may breathe his last. Despite the urgency, time still runs in its continual coursings. Swift, the sickness rushes in, so slow is the Lord of mercy. So things appear to this family, awash in their anxiety. […]
Bread of Life
Bread is a daily delight, a culinary pleasure awaiting each bite. A basic part of our everyday nourishment, its goodness fills our bellies and warms our hearts. Oven-fresh bread takes hold of our senses, capturing us and stirring our hunger. Toasted for breakfast, our mornings may, likewise, include flaky pastries. Bread lingers to bring joy […]