The Parables of Jesus: Lesson 2

Recap and Intro A parable is a comparison, from the Greek “para,” meaning as “in parallel” and “balo,” meaning “to cast.”  Through a parable, the speaker casts a net or line to reveal something hidden through what is known.  Even so, Jesus told His disciples, “The secrets of the kingdom of heaven are given for […]

Church History, Lesson 12: Christianity in North Africa, Part 2

The Writing Down of What Was Handed Down Intro Tertullian (160-225 AD), the first Latin Church Father, provided us with much of our Church language and ways of thinking.  He also helped set up an idea of perfectionism, sometimes treating forgiveness as a possible excuse to sin, foremost in matters of marriage and fornication. Today, […]

The Parables of Jesus: Lesson 1, Introduction

What are Parables? To introduce a parable, Jesus often used this phrase, “The kingdom of God is like …”  In a non-parable-like fashion, Jesus revealed the structure of a parable: A comparison.  The term “parable” comes from the two Greek words. “Para,” a preposition meaning “alongside” or “together with,” as in parallel. “Balo,” a verb, […]

Church History, Lesson 11: Christianity in North Africa, Part 1

Intro Several influential theologians in early Christianity were Africans, including Tertullian (160-225 AD), Cyprian (200-258 AD), and Augustine (354-430 AD).  Today, we will only learn about Tertullian. So, when did Christianity first arrive in Africa?  We aren’t sure.  Irenaeus mentioned the spread of Christianity around 180 AD.  In his first volume of Against Heresies (last […]

The Apocrypha, Lesson 20: Baruch

Intro We know of Baruch from the book of Jeremiah, where he is presented as Jeremiah’s scribe (Jeremiah 32:10-16; 36:1-31).  Baruch means “blessed one,” a shortened form of Berechyahu, “blessed by Yahweh.” Near the end of Jeremiah’s and Baruch’s career in Judea, Baruch read aloud what Jeremiah told him to write.  Baruch did this, and […]

Church History, Lesson 10: The Tradition is Passed On: Irenaeus

Intro Irenaeus (135-202 AD) came from Smyrna in Asia Minor, which today is Izmir, Turkey.  Born between 130-140 AD, he studied under Polycarp (AH 3, 3:4; “Letter to Florinus” Eusebius’ Church History, 5, 20:5-8).  He provides a valuable account of the 2nd century Church, both East and West, bridging the end of the Apostolic Fathers […]

The Apocrypha, Lesson 19: Sirach, Part 2: The New Testament’s Use of Sirach

Intro Last week, we surveyed the Lutheran Church’s “lovefest” with Sirach.  Today, we do the same but focus our attention on the New Testament. In about 195 BC, “Jesus, son of Eleazar, son of Sira,” a faithful Jew and renown teacher, commonly called “Sirach,” compiled his class lecture notes and reflections.  These would later become […]

Church History, Lesson 9: Letters to Non-Christians about Christ and His Church

Intro Today, we focus on two sets of letters written to non-Christians.  The first is by Pliny the Younger, a provincial Roman governor; the second by Justin Martyr, a Christian.  Both lived in the 2nd century.   Pliny the Younger (61- 113 AD) As the Governor of Bithnia, in 112-13 AD, Pliny wrote to Emperor […]

The Apocrypha, Lesson 18: Lutheranism’s Love Affair with Sirach

Intro For this first lesson on Sirach, we are breaking protocol.  When your pastor started preparing this lesson, he found an extensive use of Sirach in the history of the Lutheran Church.  So, he decided in the lesson to cover some of Sirach through our Lutheran fathers, continuing with the rest later.   Martin Luther […]

Church History, Lesson 8: The Last of the Apostles’ Students, Ignatius and Polycarp

Intro Ignatius Ignatius of Antioch (35-107 AD) was the 3rd Bishop of Antioch.  Late in Emperor Trajan’s reign (98-117 AD), he was arrested for being a Christian, chosen because of his status and profile.  So, he was taken to Rome under a guard of 10 soldiers to face martyrdom. On the way, Christians gathered to […]