The Queen Mother: The New Covenant

Is Jesus the Successor of David? We know that Israel’s Old Testament kings had queen mothers.  The exceptions were when a king started a new dynastic line, such as Saul […]

James, Lesson 3 (Chapter 2): Faith is impartial

This section of James differs from what we have seen so far.  This section begins with words of censure, which James further develops. Read James 2:1 –          What is James […]

James, Lesson 2: Faith’s Response

James: Lesson 2 Book’s Theme and Faith’s Response Read James 1:9-11 –          James tells the rich man to exalt in his humiliation.  What is the source of this humiliation?   […]

The Queen Mother: The Old Covenant

The Monarchy in the Old Covenant Even before Israel had kings, we find the Law of Moses anticipating that God’s people would become a monarchy like its neighbors: “When you […]

James, Lesson 1: Introduction and Theme

James: Lesson 1 Introduction and Theme Among the books of the New Testament, James has suffered much because it was one of the disputed books of the New Testament.   It […]

Didache, Lesson 15: Apostles and Prophets, Pt. 2

Prophets In the last lesson, we saw the Didache link the Apostles to Jesus (11:4.)  But today, we will see the Didache link prophets to the Holy Spirit.   Although, at […]

Remaining Firm in the Faith, Even When Your Feelings are Hurt

What would you think of a medical doctor who watched someone suffer a heart attack, but did nothing to help?  What would you think of a police officer who walked […]

The Didache, Lesson 14, The Apostles and Prophets, Part 1

Lesson 14: (Chapter 11:1-6) After going over the epicenter of the New Covenant, the Lord’s Supper, the Didache, tackles a most-practical issue in its day.  It deals with those who […]

The Deforming of Christianity

This is our pastor’s article for the April 13th, 2012 edition of the Stone County Gazette. The Deforming of Christianity By Pr. Rich Futrell Recently at a Christian bookstore, I […]

The Didache, Lesson 13: The Agape Meal

The Didache, after going over what brought one into the New Covenant and the spiritual disciplines for one in the New Covenant, now delves into epicenter of the New Covenant […]