At first listen, today’s Gospel sounds as if it’s only about demon possession and exorcism. For we hear about a boy with a troubling demon that causes epileptic-like seizures and even tries to throw the boy into fire or water. That’s frightening stuff. What makes this even more frightening is that Jesus’ disciples couldn’t deal […]
James, Lesson 3 (Chapter 2): Faith is impartial
This section of James differs from what we have seen so far. This section begins with words of censure, which James further develops. Read James 2:1 – What is James calling Jesus? Galatians 3:28: [Concerning salvation] There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you […]
James, Lesson 2: Faith’s Response
James: Lesson 2 Book’s Theme and Faith’s Response Read James 1:9-11 – James tells the rich man to exalt in his humiliation. What is the source of this humiliation? – The poor man is to exalt in his exaltation. What is the source of his exaltation? – So what is James doing when […]
Jesus, Still Flesh of Our Flesh and Bone of Our Bone: Luke 24:39-49
How do you know that something is true? That’s a crucial question these days, especially when truth looks as if it is becoming an endangered species. Sometimes, we think that science is the way to get to the truth. That’s why we often find the phrase, “Studies have shown” to be persuasive. Although you may […]
Remaining Firm in the Faith, Even When Your Feelings are Hurt
What would you think of a medical doctor who watched someone suffer a heart attack, but did nothing to help? What would you think of a police officer who walked past someone committing a crime but didn’t even care enough to raise an eyebrow or report the crime? You would probably despise such doctors and […]
Faith and Works from Clement of Rome
The Greek word for “justify,” dikiao, has a couple of meanings. It can mean “declare and make righteousness” but also “show to be righteous.” In Romans 3:28, Paul used “justify” to mean “declare and make righteous.” In James 2:24, James used “justify” to mean “show to be righteous.” Romans 3:28 reads, “For we maintain that […]
Faith? Works? Yes!
This is an article that I wrote for the May 20th edition of the Stone County Gazette. Did you realize the Bible never says that we are saved by “faith alone”? In all of Scripture, you will never find those words, “faith alone.” This is what Scripture says: We are “justified by faith, apart from […]