This is part two on the lesson in adult catechesis on how we got the Bible. Click here if you want to go to the Old-Testament Lesson. The Early Church We looked at how we got the Old Testament. The Church met in council to state which books were Scripture because three traditions had […]
Philippians, Lesson 6: Final Exhortations
Paul just finished saying that he wasn’t perfect (that is reached the fullness of salvation that takes place on the Last Day). But Paul also recognized that from an eternal perspective Christians are perfect, bringing out the “now” and “not yet” of our life in Christ. Paul now exhorts the Philippian Christians to imitate him. […]
James, Lesson 3 (Chapter 2): Faith is impartial
This section of James differs from what we have seen so far. This section begins with words of censure, which James further develops. Read James 2:1 – What is James calling Jesus? Galatians 3:28: [Concerning salvation] There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you […]
Faith and Works from Clement of Rome
The Greek word for “justify,” dikiao, has a couple of meanings. It can mean “declare and make righteousness” but also “show to be righteous.” In Romans 3:28, Paul used “justify” to mean “declare and make righteous.” In James 2:24, James used “justify” to mean “show to be righteous.” Romans 3:28 reads, “For we maintain that […]