Matthew 25:14-30: A Talent is What?

In today’s church, especially when dealing with the topic of stewardship, this phrase rolls off our tongue like water: “Time, talents, and treasure.” When we say that, we think that […]

The Theology of Suffering

Today’s lesson comes from a request to explore how to understand suffering in our lives. How are we to view suffering and, then, based on such a view, handle the […]

Acts, Lesson 21: Paul Still in Ephesus–Healing through Paul’s Facecloths and Work Aprons

Paul Still in Ephesus–Healing through Paul’s Facecloths and Work Aprons By Pr Rich Futrell Paul Serving as Evangelist and Pastor  Read Acts 19:8 In Ephesus, where does Paul first go? […]

Amos 5:18-24, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18: The Day of the Lord

When we imagine the prophets of old, we often see a fire-and-brimstone preacher breathing out God’s judgment and wrath. And that’s what Amos did in our Old-Testament reading for today. […]

The Personhood of the Human

Today’s lesson comes from a question asking, “What’s the difference between a person’s soul and his spirit?” To look at that, we’ll look at how Scripture, primarily the New Testament, describes […]

Acts, Lesson 20: In Ephesus: Confirmation and Speaking in Tongues

Paul in Ephesus In the last Lesson, we saw Luke hurriedly describe many events in passing (Acts 18:22-23), wanting to bring us to Ephesus. Luke now does that, telling us […]

Revelation 7:9-17: Now and Not Yet, but also with the Saints and Archangels

If you look at the Church with the eyes of your body, the Church can often be a despicable mess. Think of how one hymn describes her: “Though with a […]

Why go to Church?

This lesson topic stems from the idea that if God is a loving God, then why do we “have” to come to church? Like last week’s lesson on “God’s rest” […]

Acts, Lesson 19: Paul’s Second Missionary Journey Ends and His Third One Begins

Paul had preached on the Areopagite in Athens and some “joined him and believed.” Paul then travels to Corinth, the capital of the Roman province of Achaia (Greece). Silas and […]

Reformation: Remaining in Jesus

“We hold that someone is justified by faith, apart from the works of the law” (Romans 3:28). Can it get any clearer than that? All have sinned and continue to […]