Some days or years before our first parents bit into the forbidden tree’s fruit, God founded both Church and family. In a love unknown to us and a closeness beyond our imagining, Adam and Eve worshiped God. Though not like we do, to receive His forgiveness and salvation. No, they required none, yet. “Be fruitful […]
To Isolate or Not, Such is Our Reality
This is our pastor’s article for the September edition of our congregational newsletter. The Old Testament doesn’t view life and death as mere biological facts. Read Scripture, and you will find both death and life as an interpretive lens to help understand reality. Within the words of Scripture, life flows with fruitfulness and abundance, for […]
Matthew 16:21-28: Your Cross and His Cross
At last, somebody understands Jesus! Earlier, He tossed this query toward His disciples, “Who do people suppose the Son of Man is?” Above the others, Peter rose, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Happy with the reply, Jesus responds, “You are Peter [petros]. On this rock, [petra, your confession] I will […]
Romans 12:1-2: A Living Sacrifice
After explaining how God saves, Paul now waxes lyrical. With the depths of God as his topic, he embarks on an exclamation of praise. First, he seizes a word connected to the sea’s immeasurable depths so we can fathom, in some way, God’s vast riches. From earlier in Romans, we realize these riches are all […]
Jesus in the Storm
The day began as Jesus withdrew to a deserted place to be alone. Later, in the afternoon sun, He ascends atop a mountain to pray. Again, Jesus seeks solitude, far from both crowds and followers. Earlier, our Lord told His disciples to take to the water in a boat—but this time, He lets them go […]
Isaiah 55:1-5: Delight in the Richest of Fare
A water vendor, a part of ordinary commerce in ages past. Most did not live next to a stream, and sometimes access to a well became problematic. So, in typical entrepreneurial fashion, someone recognized a need and found a way to profit. Thus, the merchant and customer both benefited. Still, is this not an unusual […]
Romans 8:28-39: Bad into Good
The verses before today’s Epistle reading speak of a collaboration between God and His Spirit. The Spirit intercedes for us, something we should find comforting. Now, since God understands the Spirit’s mind, what does this tell us? In all matters, God strives for what is best for those who love Him, as He purposes. In […]
Isaiah 55:10-13: Like Rain and Snow
To live in the ancient Promised Land required faith. Oh, its description as a place of milk and sweet honey rang true, for its country fed livestock, sheltered bees, and produced bountiful crops. Nevertheless, without rain, soon, the soil hardened and cracked into a shriveled and depleted landscape. Other places didn’t demand as much faith. […]
God May Not Be Like We Think
Frustrated, Jeremiah cries to heaven, “You enticed and deceived me, prevailing over me.” Earlier, God told him this, “I am making you into an iron pillar.” To be God’s prophet will require him to stand “against Judah’s kings, its princes, priests, and commoners” (1:18). No, God didn’t mislead Jeremiah but spoke the truth, instead. A […]
Getting Back to Normality Despite COVID, or at Least, Trying
A couple of weeks ago, a member of our congregation approached me. In short, she shared with me her assessment of our COVID-19 prevention practices. Well, I quipped back, “Yeah, coming to church is safer than grocery shopping.” To this, she agreed. Next, she said I should send out a message, so others in our […]