The Gospel According to Isaiah, Isaiah 52:1, 7-10: Y’shua is our Salvation

The attention-grabbing words and phrases soaring from the messenger’s mouth.  “Awake, awake,” are his first words flying out.  “Listen!” follows eight verses later.  What’s going on to demand such immediate […]

Matthew 18:1-5: The Hidden Hero within our Lord’s Advent

This is a confessional address our pastor preached for our Confessional Service, which is a Service of Confession before receiving the Lord’s Supper.   The Son of God humbled Himself […]

The Parables of Jesus, Lesson 9: The Parable of the Final Judgment

Intro In the last Lesson, we studied The Parable of the Ten Virgins and The Parable of the Talents, which all deal with being prepared to meet Jesus.  They both […]

The Gospel According to Isaiah: Isaiah 4o:1-11

The moving descriptions of a foretold Messiah earned Isaiah his nickname: “The Fifth Evangelist.”  Did our Old-Testament reading for today not confirm this?  Still, what a contrast to the dispatch […]

The Gospel According to Isaiah: Isaiah 64:1-9

The poetry in Isaiah is striking.  The turns of phrase and imagery amplify and repeat.  The people are like grass, soon turning into flowers wilting in the intense, Middle-Eastern sun.  […]

Midweek Services: The Gospel According to Isaiah

This year, our Thanksgiving, midweek Advent, and New Year’s Eve services will have a common theme: The Gospel According to Isaiah. You’ve heard of the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, […]

The Parables of Jesus, Lesson 8: Matthew 25:1-13: The Parable of the Ten Virgins

With burning lamps, ten virgins await their Groom’s arrival.  The waiting virgins are all dressed in white—but everything is not as the picture portrays.  Some are wise; some, foolish.  So, […]

The Parables of Jesus, Lesson 8: The Parable of the Ten Virgins and The Parable of the Talents

Intro Jesus is approaching the cross and those now following Him are reduced to His disciples.  They came to him in private and asked, “Tell us, when will these things […]

Matthew 22:1-10, Galatians 3:27, Isaiah 61:10-11: Thanksgiving in Robes of Righteousness

The Lord Jesus tells a tale of a wedding feast, to which a king invites others to attend.  Earlier, those asked to take part agreed, confirming their attendance according to […]

Philippians 3:17-21: Your Citizenship is in Heaven

The pastor is ready as he plans to proclaim Christ to the people.  Born in 675 AD in Devon, England, Winfred, whose Latin name is “Boniface,” travels to Germany at […]