John: Lesson 1, Introduction and Prologue

Introduction Author Early Christian tradition testifies to the Apostle John as the author of the Gospel of John, who was assisted by Prochurus as the scribe.  Irenaeus (180 AD), Clement of Alexandria (200 AD), and other early Christian writers all agree the Apostle John is the author of the 4th Gospel. John, the disciple of […]

Our 2018 Lenten Midweek Theme: “Christ Concealed in the Old Covenant”

The theme for our Lenten midweek services this year is “Christ Concealed in the Old Covenant.”  Service times will be 1:00 and 7:00 PM each Wednesday.  Maundy Thursday and Good Friday service times will be at 7:00 PM. Each service will explore how God pointed forward to His Messiah for the world even while He […]

LeRoy Krause: Celebrating the Gift of Faith: Psalm 23, Revelation 7:9-17, Luke 15:1-8

Born on April 17, 1928, in Kansas, LeRoy Krause began his career as a Kansas farmer, working with his father, Martin, and brother, Melvin.  Later, he developed skills in woodworking and also began home remodeling.  In 1960, he and his wife, Betty, moved to Lampe and began a career in the building business.  Soon, he […]

Being Fully Human: Lesson 4

How Creation Shapes Our Understanding of Vocation In Lesson 1, we explored God creating us in His likeness and image.  Today, we examine this again, but this time to understand how God’s creation of us shapes our vocations of service.  Genesis 1:27-28: So God created mankind in his own image; in his own image God […]

The Parables of Jesus: Lesson 14: Two Parables in a Vineyard Setting

The Unusual Vineyard Owner: Matthew 19:30-20:16 Immediate Setting In Matthew 19:16, a man approached Jesus: “Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?”  Jesus then brought up God’s Law (vs. 18-19), to which the man responded, “I have kept all these.”  So, Jesus told him something He knew he couldn’t do, “Go, sell […]

Being Fully Human: Lesson 3

In His Body, Christ Redeemed Us, Bringing Us into His Body To save us, Jesus became incarnate, which means the eternal God also became fully human by His human birth.  As both God and man, He considered it necessary to become a physical being to save us physical beings.  In His human nature, He became […]

Mark 9:29-39: How to Understand our Bodies

With His new disciples, beginning their three-year course of instruction, Jesus teaches them, and us, on how to understand our bodies.  Now, this isn’t judging your status by the morning mirror’s reflection.  No, our Lord tutors us to gaze on our physical bodies through faith-filled eyes.  From Him, we learn to judge our well-being and […]

The Parables of Jesus: Lesson 13: Two Parables on What Someone’s Prayer Reveals

The Parable of the Unjust Judge: Luke 18:1-8 Background in Luke Luke 17: 11-18: 8 is a significant unit focused on the “end times” with four major parts: Jesus heals the ten lepers: 17: 11-19, Jesus answers a question by some Pharisees about the coming of God’s Kingdom: 17:20-21, Jesus instructs His disciple on the […]

Being Fully Human: Lesson 2

Our Lord’s Physical Redemption Equals a Physical Salvation Last week, we learned the Hebrew term for “soul” [nephesh] or “spirit” [ruach] refers to the whole person as a living being.  Human beings live as souls—we do not “have” souls.  This association is so close we even find nephesh being used to refer to someone who […]

The Matter of Lent and Why It Matters

By Pr. Rich Futrell Such a strange time Lent can be.  For the non-Christian, all kinds of religious activities are taking place, which few can explain.  For Christians, unless they are Roman Catholic, Lutheran, or Eastern Orthodox, Lent may be as much a mystery to them as for the unbeliever.  Some may also consider this […]