Though uncommon to our ears, in times past, the Church delighted in describing Jesus as a “lover.” Today, we might find this as odd, perhaps perverted, as word meanings shift and change, and “lover” now refers to one’s sexual partner. Ah, but the word “lover” can contain so much more! The root for “lover” is […]
Useful Information
Here are links, which you may find useful during this time of necessary isolation. In this video, Pr. Wolfmueller explains how our understanding of the Faith. He recognizes the sadness of not being able to gather as God’s people yet confesses how we still are comforted by the going forth of the Word. Since we […]
The Christian, COVID, and our Medical Authorities
Honor the physician for his services, according to your need of him. For the Lord created him, whose gift of healing comes from the Most High, and whom the king will reward. The physician’s skill will distinguish him, and, in the presence of the great, he will be admired. The Lord created medicines from the […]
Lent 4A: John 9: Why?
The disciples approach Jesus with an age-old question, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, for him to be born blind?” (John 9:2). My mother lived this view of the world with me. Say something terrible happened to me. At the ready, her words came dripping out with this wisdom, “God’s punishing you!” How […]
Public Church Activities Cancelled
Because of the required measures to help ensure public safety and our national well-being, all public activities at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran are now cancelled. We will post updates as the situation changes.
Genesis 3:1-15: The Promised Sin-Crusher
In His image, God created the first man and woman, giving them a beautiful, tranquil home, providing for their every need. Neither destitute nor dispossessed, they are happy, safe, and secure—though God did prohibit one activity. “In the day [you eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil], you will die” (Genesis […]
New Year’s Eve Service
Our New Year’s Eve Service is on December 31 at 5:00 PM. Not only will we remember the past in thankfulness, but we’ll also look forward to what awaits. We’ll explore the themes in Psalm 90 and Luke 12, where Jesus reveals He will gird himself to serve, invite His own to sit down at […]
John 1:1-4, Hebrews 1:1-3: The Word and the Son
Today, the 25th of December, far removed from unknown ages, when our God created the heavens and earth, forming Adam in His image. Much time elapses, and God sends a flood, required to rescue, not destroy, this humanity gone rogue. A rainbow emblazons the sky as a sign of His covenant to save. Many centuries […]
Emmanuel: God With Us
In time’s past, when God created time, He placed in Eden a tree of life. Magnificent, this stood, fragrant, and dripping with every good. On such sacred ground flourished a fruit, so pure and sweet, which God let the man and woman eat. In beauty, another tree also grew on this primordial soil, of which […]
Christmas Eve and Day Services
Our Christmas Eve Service, December 24, will be at 7:00 PM. It will be a service of carols, matched to the Gospel readings for the Nativity of our Lord. The service will finish with the singing of Silent Night by candlelight. The Christmas Day Service, December 25, will be at 10:00 AM, which will be […]