This is our pastor’s article for our July congregational newsletter, helping us to see Jesus in the Old Testament. ———— While speaking to “the Jewish leaders [who] were trying all the harder to kill him,” Jesus said: “You pore over the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. These Scriptures testify of me” […]
How We Got the Old Testament
This is our pastor’s newsletter article for our March 2015 edition of our newsletter. In it, he leaves much out to keep the article a usable length. So, the article is not “bullet proof,” but it does, on the main, cover why the Old Testament contains the books that it does. ———- In this article, we’ll explore how […]
From Adam to Jesus, Lesson 1
Learning to Read the Old Testament with a Christian Heart and Mind Introduction Many of us have started to read the Old Testament with a blessed purpose: to learn God’s truths. So, we start on page one, as we do with any other book. Fortunately, Genesis has many captivating stories. Later, in Exodus, we even […]
The Apocrypha and Change within the Lutheran and Roman Churches
The Apocrypha and Change within the Lutheran and Roman Churches Lesson 4 By Pr. Rich Futrell Jan 23, 2011 Recap Last week, we learned how the early Church responded to three traditions on the Apocrypha and affirmed the Anagignoskomena and Deuterocanonical views as legitimate. The Church rejected the view that allowed someone to reject the […]
The Apocrypha, Early Church Councils, and Martin Luther
The Apocrypha, Early Church Fathers and Councils, and Martin Luther Lesson 3 By Pr. Rich Futrell Jan 16, 2011 Recap Last week, we learned that the Apostolic Fathers quoted and referenced the Apocrypha, without distinction, in the same way they did the others part of the Old Testament. Hagiographa/Kethuvim To understand the distinction in […]