Exodus 17:1-7: The Rock is Christ

The hymn writer, Augustus Toplady, best-known for “Rock of Ages,” grew up in a religious English family.  Contrary to his upbringing, he later left the Church as a young man. […]

Deuteronomy 18:15-19: Jesus, the Greater Moses

The Ten Commandments always hammer home the same truth.  God gave His “Words,” which is what the Hebrew of the Old Testament calls them, at Mt. Sinai, described in Exodus […]

2 Corinthians, Lesson 5: The Ministry of Death versus the Ministry of Life

Paul and Timothy (“we”) just finished saying that what they were doing was from God. They wanted to contrast themselves against false teachers, who were “peddlers of God’s Word” (2 […]

Exodus, Lesson 30: God and Moses “Negotiate”

The Israelites had tried to worship Yahweh using the worship forms they were comfortable with because of their time in Egypt.  God called such worship “play” (Exodus 32:6) and a […]

Numbers 11:4-6,10-16, 24-29: It’s about God … and Others

Did you ever go on a date where the other person fully dominated the conversation, going on and on, speaking only about herself (or himself)?  Was it so terrible that […]