Thanksgiving, Advent & Christmas Worship Schedule

Join us for worship in person or online this Advent & Christmas Season. Advent Midweek 7:00 PM services will be in person and online while the 1:00 PM services will be in person only.        Thanksgiving, Advent, & Christmas Services Thanksgiving Eve Wednesday, November 27th 5:00 PM Advent Services Every Sunday starting Sunday, […]

Advent & Christmas Worship Schedule

Join us for worship in person or online this Advent & Christmas season. Advent Midweek 7:00 PM services will be in person and online while the 1:00 PM services will be in person only.          Thanksgiving Services Thanksgiving Eve Wednesday, November 22nd 7:00 PM Advent Services First Sunday of Advent – Divine […]

Luke 2:19: Mary Pondered…

Now are the moments for deep reflection, the hour of contemplation. Linger in the depths of the word “ponder.” Like meditate, though less strenuous, conveying something more suited. Its Latin root, pondus, bespeaks of heaviness, of considering and weighing matters with care, to hold in balance. Thus, “Mary treasured the shepherds’ every word, pondering them […]

God Surprises Us with Heaven, Here on Christmas Eve

Click here to go to our online recording of our Christmas Eve service. Whenever heaven greets earth, this becomes a time of fresh beginnings. Tonight, heaven’s splendor hides and holds back, cloaked in the trappings of peasant birth! Rife with visions, long foretold; let your heart dream those dreams of old. Deep in the bashful […]

John 1:1-4, Hebrews 1:1-3: The Word and the Son

Today, the 25th of December, far removed from unknown ages, when our God created the heavens and earth, forming Adam in His image.  Much time elapses, and God sends a flood, required to rescue, not destroy, this humanity gone rogue.  A rainbow emblazons the sky as a sign of His covenant to save. Many centuries […]

Exodus 40:17-21,34-38; John 1:14: Christmas Day

To free His people from slavery, God gives them His Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  Every year after, so these reclaimed of God don’t forget, He tells them to celebrate these rituals for as long as they are His people.  After their rescue, after the Red Sea, He teaches them more on worship.  […]

Luke 2:1-20: Christmas Eve

With all the pandemonium and turmoil, no worse time can come for a holy birth.  Think of the upheaval a census will cause throughout the Roman world.  Every person not living in his ancestral town now needs to pack up and move, no matter the distance.  Many are upset and outraged, for Rome doesn’t cover […]

Galatians 4:4-7: The Firstborn’s Birth Brings Your Birth From Above into Being

The first Christmas makes the second one possible.  By conceiving Jesus, the life-breathing Spirit reveals Himself to be the Spirit, sent by the Son, who permits us all to become sons of God.  For the second Christmas is our Spirit-born birth, which is but an extension of the first. The Divine Spirit breathes Jesus into […]

Christmas Eve Sermon: The Humble Poetry of Jesus’ Birth

So distant are we from creation’s dawn.  A time forlorn, forgotten by our fragile minds, when the Father spoke all into being, and formed a humanity in His image.   Too soon did defect begin to breed, to blemish and blacken a perfect creation.  For the man and woman, Adam and Eve, feast on what is […]

Matthew 18:1-5: The Hidden Hero within our Lord’s Advent

This is a confessional address our pastor preached for our Confessional Service, which is a Service of Confession before receiving the Lord’s Supper.   The Son of God humbled Himself to be the Son of Man so we, the children of men, might be exalted to become the children of God.  So, from heaven, the […]