Revelation 7:9-17: Now and Not Yet, but also with the Saints and Archangels

If you look at the Church with the eyes of your body, the Church can often be a despicable mess. Think of how one hymn describes her: “Though with a […]

Reformation: Remaining in Jesus

“We hold that someone is justified by faith, apart from the works of the law” (Romans 3:28). Can it get any clearer than that? All have sinned and continue to […]

Isaiah, chapter 45: God Hides Himself

150 years before his birth, the prophet Isaiah foretold of him, told us his name, and the tasks that God had chosen for him to do. His name was Cyrus. […]

Matthew 21:23-27: It All Comes Down to Authority

The religious leaders asked Jesus, “By what authority are You doing these things? Who gave You this authority?” There, they said it! In that question, they asserted that Jesus didn’t […]

Sermon for the Wedding of Richard Bell and Diane Sancken

Our pastor had the joy of joining Rick Bell and Diane Sancken in holy matrimony at Big Cedar Lodge, Ridgedale, Missouri. They are members of an LC-MS congregation in northern […]

St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist– Matthew 20:1-16

While walking one day, a pastor noticed a place where many people of Middle-Eastern descent would meet. Later, this pastor found out that the FBI was secretly watching that meeting […]

Sermon for Holy Cross Day

The great event took place in 326 AD. Helen, the mother of Constantine, the emperor of the eastern half of the Roman Empire, found the “true” cross of Christ. After […]

Romans 13:1-10: The Gift of Government

The Europeans have an expression: “All roads lead to Rome.” That expression came about because, for many centuries, Rome was the world’s main center of power. And back then, many […]

Matthew 16:21-28: Jesus Must Go Forth to Die

Whenever Jesus says that He must or has to do something, we should stop and take notice. In our Gospel reading for today, Jesus said, “He must go to Jerusalem […]

St. Bartholomew’s Day Sermon

Two weeks ago, Dori Beecham became a member of our congregation. In that rite of membership, I asked her several questions. One such question was, “Do you intend to continue […]