Isaiah 53:4-5, Wisdom 2:17-24, Matthew 27:41-43: Jesus eternally heals us

During these Lenten midweek services, we have pondered passages from the Prophet Isaiah. We considered the startling contrast between what Christ physically looked like in His suffering and how beautiful […]

John 6:1-15: Jesus calls into being what was earlier not there

Like the crowd in today’s Gospel reading, you have many worries. They were hurting. They started to follow Jesus because they had seen Him heal the sick. Like you, they […]

Isaiah 52:14, 53:2-3: No one is too ugly for Jesus

Let’s face it: we’ve all seen people who aren’t considered the height of beauty.  Some of you may even look at yourselves in the morning and remember days gone by […]

Matthew 15:21-28: Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table

Did you ever feel that God has ignored your prayers, not by answering “no,” but by taking no notice of them?  If so, then today’s Gospel is for you.  Have […]

Isaiah 48:17-22: Flee!

Last week, on Ash Wednesday, we heard God call Himself “your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.” And that’s where our Old-Testament reading for today begins: “The Lord, your Redeemer, […]

Genesis 3:1-21, Matthew 4:1-11: Jesus Succeeds where Adam Failed

Can you believe it? The serpent attacks, not through brute force, but through words. And Adam just stands there. He doesn’t say or do anything. He just stands there next […]

Ash Wednesday Sermon: What’s the deal with being a worm?

When you read through the Scriptures, you may find something that, at first, seems odd. But then, as you make your way through more books of Scripture, you start to […]

Matthew 17:1-9: Jesus’ Glory

A chapter before today’s Gospel reading, we hear Peter tell Jesus that He is “the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16). And “from that time, Jesus began […]

1 Corinthians 13: Love

In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus told His disciples of His impending death. Someone will betray Him; others will ridicule, spit on, and kill Him. And although Jesus’ words were straightforward […]

Luke 8:4-15: The Parable of the Sower and the Four Soils

When we say, “The Bible is the Word of God,” we mean that it originates from God. After all, God the Holy Spirit inspired various writers of old to put […]