Galatians 4:4-7: Sons of God because of the Son of God

God gave His Law to Moses while His people, Israel, were making their way from Egypt to the land that He had promised them.  Yet, during Israel’s entire history, not […]

Christmas Day: Luke 2:11: The Savior, Christ the Lord, is Born

Every year as Christmas fast approaches, commercials confront us on radio, television, and the internet, using emotions to try to get us to buy their products.  And such commercials usually […]

Christmas Eve Sermon, Luke 2:19: Mary Pondered

This is the hour, the place, and the time for pondering.  What a wonderful word: “ponder.”  It means something like “meditate.”  But meditate sounds a bit too active.  “Ponder” comes […]

Matthew 1:18-25: The Holy-Spirited Conception of Jesus

Today, especially within the media and intelligentsia, many mock the Christian Faith.  Sometimes, it’s subtle; sometimes, it’s not.  You may find that they treat a Christian the way someone might […]

Worship Reflecting a God-Given Pattern

This in an excursus on worship from a lesson on the Old-Testament book of Exodus.  It speaks to many of the issues concerning worship in our current-day setting. Exodus 25:40: “See […]

Exodus, Lesson 22: God Continues to Furnish His Tabernacle, Pt. 2

Moses is still on top of the mountain getting instructions from God on what is to be in the Tabernacle, the Old-Covenant’s predecessor of the Temple.  So far, we’ve learned […]

A Biblical and Historical Look at “The Rapture”

Today, it seems almost impossible to escape the talk of “The Rapture” within the North American Church.  Over the last century, this teaching has become so popular within North-American Protestant […]

Psalm 3: Arise, O LORD! Save me, my God!

People are more likely to pray when life is going badly than when life is going well.  It shouldn’t be that way, but it is.  The Old Testament book of […]

Why December 25th is the Day for Christmas

This is our pastor’s article for the Stone County Gazette.  It should be published on December 26th.   Why is December 25th the day we celebrate Jesus’ birth?   If we […]

Matthew 11:2-15

John the Baptizer’s disciples knew about depression and darkness.  They had heard their teacher point them to Jesus, proclaiming Him as the long-awaited Messiah.  When they complained to John that […]