Broken, Lesson 3: Moralism

These are a series of lessons adapted from Jonathan Fisk’s book, Broken.  All are encouraged buy Broken to get the full content in the book. Never follow a rule that wasn’t written in stone a long, long time ago While Dame Mysticism seductively calls out to you to transcend the pain of this world through […]

Broken, Lesson 2: Mysticism

These are a series of lessons adapted from Jonathan Fisk’s book, Broken.  All are encouraged buy Broken to get the full content in the book. Never follow a rule that could conceivably have its mind changed by the shifting of the wind The Devil’s First Rule The devil has only one basic lie.  It is […]

Broken, Lesson 1: Whatup

These are a series of lessons adapted from Jonathan Fisk’s book, Broken.  All are encouraged buy Broken to get the full content in the book. Christian Punks are Posers Punk Rock John was a good kid.  He played in a punk rock band and worshiped with punk rock style.  He was a good kid.  He […]

From Adam to Jesus, Lesson 8: From the Apocrypha to Jesus as the Fulfillment

Before we look directly into the New Testament, we take a short look into the section of Old Testament books the early Church fathers called “books worthy of being read in the Church” or “the readables.”  But the question that normally arises is the value of these books.  Luther did not consider them as Scripture […]

From Adam to Jesus, Lesson 7: The New Covenant Foretold in the Prophets

The Davidic Covenant and kingdom did not reach its peak during Old Testament times under David, but his Son, Solomon.   The Temple is built Following the instructions that David had given Solomon, Solomon had the Temple built.  1 Kings 8 tells us of Solomon having the Ark of the Covenant brought into the new Temple.  […]

From Adam to Jesus, Lesson 6: King David

Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt to Mount Sinai.  There, the people agreed to God’s Covenant, only to break it in a disastrous way (can you say, “golden calf”?).  Later, the people rejected God’s call to enter the Promised Land and so they wandered the desert for 40 years, long enough for […]

From Adam to Jesus, Lesson 5: Moses

When we left Abraham in the last lesson, God told him that he would become a great nation, receive a “great name,” and become a blessing to the whole world.  The only problem was that it would take some time.  God had said so back in Genesis 15. God warned Abraham that his descendants would […]

What’s First for You?

This is an article from our Stewardship Committee for our Dec-Jan 2012-13 newsletter.   Life confronts us with many choices, often causing us to reassess our priorities.  One of those choices is in stewardship.  Will we adjust our standard of giving to our standard of living, or will we adjust our standard of living to […]

Being in the world but not of it

This is our pastor’s article for the November 29th edition of the Stone County Gazette.   Psalm 1:1 tells us: “Blessed is the man who does not walk in step with the wicked, take the path of sinners, or sit in the company of mockers.” If you remember the Old Testament story of Lot, he […]

Living Out the Faith Where God Has Placed You to Serve

This is our pastor’s article for our December-January 1012/12 congregational newsletter.   Many in our culture accuse Christians of being hypocritical.  They assert that Christians talk about loving their neighbors, but then turn a blind eye to the ills around them.  Sadly, they are in many ways, correct. As Christians, we believe these words of […]