Paul writes a letter to the church at Rome to correct ideas that the Jews and Gentiles brought with them into the Church. The Jews brought a work righteousness, displayed by following Old-Covenant rituals (Law). The Gentiles brought their current-day mores, thinking that grace allowed them to continue in sin. After the faintest of praise […]
Romans, Lesson 2: Set Apart for the Gospel
The Opening Salvo As was the custom of letters in his day, Paul first identifies himself as the author. Next, the author would identify the recipient(s) and then greet them. 1 Maccabees 10:25: “King Demetrius to the nation of the Jews: Greetings.” Acts 15:23: “From the apostles and the elders, your brothers, to the brothers […]
Romans, Lesson 1: Introduction
Author Paul, through a scribe he used, named Tertius: [From] Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus… (Romans 1:1) I, Tertius, who wrote this letter, greet you in the Lord (Romans 16:22). Paul normally used a scribe, like Tertius. The cost of producing a letter of exceptional length, like Romans, was expensive. A scribe could […]
How We Got the New Testament
This is part two on the lesson in adult catechesis on how we got the Bible. Click here if you want to go to the Old-Testament Lesson. The Early Church We looked at how we got the Old Testament. The Church met in council to state which books were Scripture because three traditions had […]
Our Life with God, Lesson 17: Evangelism, Part 5 and Conclusion
We’ve looked at both the “yes” and the “no” of evangelism, removing misconceptions but also having Scripture point us anew when it comes to confessing Christ to others. In this lesson, we will finish with the “yes” of evangelism, of bringing the evangel, the Word of Jesus to another. You Can’t Fail Pr. Heath […]
Our Life with God, Lesson 16: Evangelism, Part 4
Evangelism is bringing Jesus and what He did and does to save us to another. Someone never outgrows his need for the evangel, for salvation is more than a one-time event. The Christian speaks Jesus to another because of who he is in Christ. It is also what each Christian does to help gather God’s […]
How We Got the Old Testament
This lesson is part of adult catechesis after studying the Small Catechism. It in, we look at how we received what we call the Old Testament. Warning: This may be upsetting, for Church history does not affirm the content of the Old Testament that most read today. —————- As a frame of reference, we start […]
Our Life with God, Lesson 15: Evangelism, Part 3
The Evangel is the “good news” of what Jesus did and does to save us. Evangelism is the speaking (and bringing) of what Jesus did and does to save us. Pastors and laypersons both do this, each according to their vocations. Understanding the nature of salvation (was saved, being saved, and will be saved), one […]
Our Life with God, Lesson 14: Evangelism, Part 2
Evangelism takes place within our everyday vocations. Through Word and Sacrament, the pastor evangelizes as He brings Jesus to others and the life Jesus gives. This is the pastor “discipling” others, as Jesus gives His pastors to do. The layperson also evangelizes in his everyday vocations. He does this by letting his light shine on […]
Our Life with God, Lesson 13: Evangelism, Part 1
Evangel: From the Greek word euangelion, meaning “good news,” the Gospel. Although evangel means “good news,” the evangel is more than information that happens to be good. This “good news” has the power within it to do what it says. Romans 1:16: I am not ashamed of the gospel [euangelion], because it is God’s power […]