God Surprises Us with Heaven, Here on Christmas Eve

Click here to go to our online recording of our Christmas Eve service. Whenever heaven greets earth, this becomes a time of fresh beginnings. Tonight, heaven’s splendor hides and holds back, cloaked in the trappings of peasant birth! Rife with visions, long foretold; let your heart dream those dreams of old. Deep in the bashful […]

Shepherd of the Hills Online Services

If you are unable to participate in one of our services in person, we are recording our services and posting them here.  Please subscribe, so you don’t miss any of our services.  May the service be edifying, as we also wish for your safe return to worship with us in person.

Philippians 4:4-7: Rejoice

Watch the service and sermon here. In parallel with Lent, Advent pulses with penitential underpinnings, preparing the unprepared for Christ’s coming. Not only His birth, but His return to reign over His creation and Church. So, this preparatory season encourages you and me to consider our sin—the reason Christ came into our world. Yet, such […]

Christmas Eve and Day Services

Our Christmas Eve Service, December 24, will be at 7:00 PM.  It will be a service of carols, matched to the Gospel readings for the Nativity of our Lord. The service will finish with the singing of Silent Night by candlelight. The Christmas Day Service, December 25, will be at 10:00 AM, which will be […]

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Our annual Thanksgiving Eve Service is Wednesday, November 24th at 7:00 PM–a time to reflect on the blessings in our lives.   Besides thanksgiving hymns and prayers, we will also learn from Jesus healing a man and how his response and attitude are helpful for us, centuries later.

Certainty Amid our Uncertainties

  Here is our pastor’s article for our church newsletter for November 2021. Rich, poor, man or woman, major and minor setbacks befall each and all. How can they not, since we are crestfallen creatures living in a sin-corrupted world? Whenever these certitudes come, events force us to pick up the pieces and start afresh. […]

Luke 10:25-37: Inherit Eternal Life?

Love God and love your neighbor. What could be simpler? You can condense the entire Law of God in one word: Love. Is God’s Law that simple? Not when the lawyers are done! A lawyer, an expert in the Torah, came up to Jesus to test Him. That was his first mistake. Test Jesus, and […]

Mark: 10:2-16: The Disaster of Divorce, the Blessedness of Being a Bride

“Did God say?” So, the serpent slunk into Eve’s ear. Isn’t this the original seed of uncertainty and distrust Satan plants in us before he contradicts something God says? Today, the Evil One still succeeds in further seducing us, continuing the ruination of losing God’s image. Should we find ourselves surprised when others doubt and […]

Amos 5:6-7, 10-15: Brooding in Rebellion

In the eighth century BC, the people brood in rebellion. Though everything appears fine, Israel’s foundations crack in one place and crumble in another. Underneath an external veneer of strength lurks a coming catastrophe. After King Solomon’s death, a once-united country splits in two, Israel up north and Judah down south. The environment is rife […]

Eyes and Ears, Old and New

“Whatever we ask of you, teacher, we want you to do” (Mark 10:35). So, Jesus must again reorient His twelve toward a kingdom opened by His suffering, which He described as drinking from a cup (Matthew 20:22). In God’s kingdom, greatness comes in lowliness, where God gives His grace to the humble. Almost every Apostle […]