Habakkuk: I Yet Will Triumph in the Lord

  Oh, how we question God’s ways, assuming He’s forgotten us, wondering why things happen the way they do. Little does He stop the violent hurt of our day. The threat of dreadful ilk abounds among our citizenry—not only by our machination but from nature’s forces most unyielding. The world is unequal, as everybody with […]

Luke 16:19-31: Rich Man and Poor Man

  The Pharisees and scribes slander Jesus as they glance askew at Him embracing untouchables and eating with them. So, He speaks His parables: of sheep, coin, son, and manager, of lost and found, of dishonesty and cunning. Oh, He tells His tales in such a way, so they should glean and learn, not fixate […]

The Story of Esther

Our pastor’s newsletter article for October, 2022. In history’s long arc, the exilers of Jews, Babylon, suffered a humiliating defeat by the Persians in 539 BC. With Jews now free to return home, many still chose not to and remained living within a diaspora. Around 60 years pass, and we learn of a Jewish man, […]

Luke 16:1-15: The Cunning Estate Manager

Too well can money morph into a seductive false god, perched upon your slanted shoulders, confiding in your ear. “Listen to me. Only I’m able to ease your strife. Let me be your best friend, spouse, playmate, your dream, muse, and love. Yes, I’ll teach you the things of life and living. In return, I […]

Luke 15:1-7: The Divine Shepherd Restores Lost Sheep to His Fold

Furious, unforgiving, and smitten into stone, the Pharisees rail against Jesus. “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Such sufferings of unbelief as they moan and mutter over God’s mercy. To them, this teacher from Nazareth deserves their hate for befriending foreigners and prostitutes who pollute their society. Such graven mutterings often fly from […]

Family Dysfunction

By Pr. Rich Futrell The family is the basic building block of society, where we experience and learn how to love, trust, and respect another. Yet, where do we first suffer pain, hurt, and betrayal? In the same location—our families! For a home, a place aglow with affection and security, likewise, troubles with defect and […]

Luke 14:25-35: Contemplate the Cross

Often, people picture Jesus as a calm and non-threatening presence whose message uplifts and moves them forward. Oh, He’s the person who welcomes you when you first meet Him. Regardless of being shattered, beat, feeble, or thirsty, He pours drinks for the wounded and weary and offers food to the hungry. Today, our Gospel text […]

Jesus Sends the 72

The Father dispatches Jesus into our world. Later, Jesus sends out others to continue His mission: first, the Twelve, followed by the seventy-two. The Gospel for today focuses on the second, whom Jesus “appointed” with His authority and mandate. Though His journey to Jerusalem is still underway, Jesus directs a larger group of disciples into […]

The Lamb Who Breaks Open the Seals

Dreamy and strange, eternity stirs with such peculiar creatures, with everything revolving around a Lamb. A mighty angel asks a question involving a manuscript in the court liturgy of heaven. In an earlier vision, old man Ezekiel beheld a hand clutching a scroll. Likewise, this parchment displayed writings on both sides, containing lamentations, grieving, and […]

New Year’s Eve Service

Our annual New Year’s Eve Service is on Friday, December 31 at 5:00 PM. This will be a time to reflect on the past year and lean forward into the new.