When we take in the macro structure of Romans, we find: Romans 1-8: God’s inclusion of the Gentiles Romans 9-11: God’s inclusion of Israel Romans 12-15: Gentiles and Jews getting along Has God’s Word Failed? A Look into the Past Read Romans 9:6-9 “counted”: Greek, logizmai, credited, “reckoned.” This is the same word […]
David, Lesson 2: A Man Fleeing for His Life
Relations between Saul and David worsen while it grows stronger with Saul’s son, Jonathan. Jonathan talked some sense into his father and his pursuit to murder David stopped. Still suspicious, however, Saul again tries to kill David, the “rival” to his throne. David was not safe at the royal court or any permanent residence. He, […]
Understanding New-Covenant Worship as the Fulfillment of the Old
This lesson is part of individualized instruction in adult catechesis. A deeper understanding of the origins of Christian worship and how it developed was desired. Here it is. Cultural Assumptions in Worship Today, many in the Church assume if God doesn’t forbid something, we may incorporate such a practice into worship. Such a view is […]
The Parable of the Sower Resown
This is our pastor’s article for our congregation’s newsletter for February 2017. The farmer trundles into the field to plant the seed. You think the farmer blind, for he scatters his seeds like a crazy, reckless, unpredictable man. Is he a farmer, at all? The seeds scatter on asphalt and gravel, among the weeds […]
Matthew 3:13-17: The Baptism of Jesus
You’re standing in the wilderness across the Jordan River. A voice calls out from a distance, “Prepare the way of the Lord!” A figure approaches, a wild-haired, bearded man. His skin is bronzed by the sun, his eyes ablaze with prophetic fire. He comes adorned like a prophet from the pages of Scripture. Coarse camel’s […]
Romans, Lesson 17: Christ is Our Super-Conqueror
Still on the topic of suffering in this world, Paul points us to the new world to come. From the past into the future, God keeps us in His care: He foreknew, predestined, called, justifies, and will glorify us in splendor on the Last Day. How then do we respond? Read Romans 8:31 What […]
Thursday Bible Classes Resume: 2:00 PM
After a hiatus during Advent and Christmas, our Thursday Bible classes resume, at 2:00 PM, until Lent. In seven lessons, we will look into David’s life, who became the great king of Israel. The lessons are planned to be structured as such: David as a shepherd, youth, and warrior: 1 Samuel 16 – 20 David as […]
David, Lesson 1: Introduction; David as a Shepherd, Youth, and Warrior
Introduction In seven lessons, we will look into David’s life, who becomes the great king of Israel. The lessons, right now, are structured as such: David as a shepherd, youth, and warrior: 1 Samuel 16 – 20 David, a man fleeing for his life: 1 Samuel 21 – 2 Samuel 1 David as King of […]
Matthew 2:1-12: Where is the One Born King of the Jews?
About 1,000 years before the birth of Christ, the Queen of Sheba journeys to visit the King of the Jews. She travels from what today is Ethiopia. The Queen arrives with camels and many servants bearing gifts of gold, spices, and jewels. She is curious and wants to confirm what others tell her about the […]
Galatians 4:4-7: The Fullness of Time
The Law God gave to Moses reflected His perfection, restating the Law He imprinted on our hearts when He created us in His image (Romans 2:15). So, if you explore the different cultures throughout human history, you will discover much overlap with the Ten Commandments. God engraved His written Law because the law in our […]