Thursday Bible Classes Resume: 2:00 PM

Classes ResumeAfter a hiatus during Advent and Christmas, our Thursday Bible classes resume, at 2:00 PM, until Lent.  In seven lessons, we will look into David’s life, who became the great king of Israel.  The lessons are planned to be structured as such:

  1. David as a shepherd, youth, and warrior: 1 Samuel 16 – 20
  2. David as a wanderer and mercenary: 1 Samuel 21 – 2 Samuel 1
  3. David as King of Judah and Israel: 2 Samuel 2-6
  4. David, the sinner and repentant King: 2 Samuel 9-12
  5. David, the grieving Father: 2 Samuel 13-19
  6. David and the worship life of Israel: 2 Samuel 7:1-9, 24:15-25; 1 Chronicles 22-26
  7. David and his everlasting reign: 1 Kings 1:28-40, 2 Samuel 7:8-19, Psalm 132:1-18, Isaiah 11:1-12, Matthew 1:1-17