Malachi 3:6-10

A tale from India records the chronicle of a frightened mouse.  So terrified is he of cats, he is too afraid to venture out.  So, a wizard agrees to convert the tiny creature into a cat.  Now graceful and stealthy, with his fears removed, he is courageous—until he finds a wild dog chasing after him. […]

Our Life with God, Lesson 6: Helping the Poor and Stewardship

We earlier looked at vocation—serving others in our everyday lives.  For this to happen well, it requires managing what we have in a good way.  Thus, a look into stewardship is proper.   The Origins of Stewardship Genesis 1 tells us of God creating the world and everything in it.  “The earth is the Lord’s, […]

2 Corinthians, Lesson 14: God the Source and God the Receiver

Christian giving flows from God’s grace changing us by the Gospel. Flowing from Christ’s gifts to us, the Christian gives as he is able. This flows from grace, not guilt. Yes, the Law makes us aware of how God wants us to live, but it’s the Gospel and empowers and moves us to do so. […]

Exodus, Lesson 27: The Daily Sacrifices, Incense, and Tithing

We still find Moses on Mt. Sinai receiving instructions from God.  Last week, God told Moses how he was to anoint, consecrate, and ordaining priests into the Old-Covenant Priesthood.  God now tells Moses of the Evening and Morning sacrifices that were to be made every day.   The Daily Sacrifices Read Exodus 29:38-46 –          What […]