Lent, Holy Week & Easter Worship Schedule

As we enter the sacred season of Lent, we invite you to join us at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church for a time of reflection, worship, and celebration. Lent is a season of repentance and renewal, preparing our hearts for the joy of Easter. Each week, we gather to reflect on Christ’s journey to […]

The Vacant Tomb

By Pr. Rich Futrell The Solemn Journey Early Sunday morning, while dawn kissed the horizon with hues of gold and rose, three friends—Mary Magdalene, Mary (James’ mother), and Salome—gathered their fragrant spices.  Hands moved, intent on a sacred task to honor their beloved Lord.  In the blush of morning, this trio approached Jesus’ burial place, […]

Lent & Holy Week Worship Schedule

Join us for worship in person or online this Lent & Easter Season. Lenten Midweek 7:00 PM services will be in person and online while the 1:00 PM services will be in person only.          Transfiguration, Ash Wednesday & Lenten Services Transfiguration Sunday Sunday, February 11th 9:30 AM Ash Wednesday Wednesday, February 14th […]

Easter: John 11:25: I Am the Resurrection and the Life

Never more to die, Jesus now lives!  Now, the sunrise of Easter shines upon us, sending away the somber mood of Lent.  All is now different because Jesus struck down the walls of death’s fortress.  The cross now beams with a brilliant light.  All sadness mutes as the music of our consolation and well-being trumpet […]

The Subversive Message of Easter

This is our pastor’s newsletter article for the April edition of our newsletter.   Unlike Christmas, when did Easter stress you out like crazy?  Though eggs, a bunny, and pastel colors are part of celebrating Easter in our society, a risen Jesus isn’t.  Strange.  For an over-commercialized Christmas still retains a vestige of its original […]

Luke 24:1-8: Remember What Jesus Told You

The angel asks a strange question.  “Why do you seek the living among the dead?”  The answer is clear.  “Where else will Jesus be?”  These women awoke early in the morning, not wanting to leave their Lord’s body without a proper burial. With heavy footsteps, laden with grief, they talk.  How will they anoint the […]

He is risen!

“Why do you look for the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5).  A reasonable question to ask.  What did the women seek, early on that Sunday morning?  They woke up early to finish Jesus’ burial.  He died the Friday before, and the Sabbath arrived too early to prepare His body for the tomb.  So, the […]

John 20:1-18: Christ is Risen!

Christos Anesti!  Christ is risen!  He is risen, indeed!  Alleluia! Our Gospel reading for today follows the story of Mary Magdalene, Mary from the town of Magdala. The Apostle John only mentions that Mary as she approached the tomb of Christ. The other Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, clearly tell us that other women were […]

Christ is risen! John 20:1-18; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Christos anesti!  Christ is risen!  He is risen, indeed.  Alleluia! From St. John’s Gospel and the other gospel writers, Mary Magdalene, with some other women, went to the tomb early in the morning of the first day of the new week.  In the dim, gray light, they wondered how they would move the stone away […]

1 Corinthians 15:19-26: Christ, the First Crop of the Harvest

“I know that my Redeemer lives” is a confession of faith.  Yet, the Apostle Paul asserted a couple of verses before our Epistle reading: “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is useless and so is your faith” (1 Corinthians 15:14). But then in verse 20 of our Epistle reading, Paul cries out: […]