Mark 8:1-9: In Compassion, Jesus Feeds Us

“In the beginning, God” (Genesis 1:1). “The Lord God formed the man from the soil of the ground.” The Lord God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.” “The […]

Exodus 20:1-11, 1 Corinthians 10:1-4: Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest

Over the centuries, people have numbered God’s Ten Commandments several different ways. Why the difference? First, God does say that He gave “ten,” not nine or 11 (Deuteronomy 10:4). And […]

1 Kings 19:11-21: God humbles Himself, bringing life, not death

Who here has never been burnt out? Who has never felt emptied of strength, energy, and motivation? It could be overwork and “underplay.” It could be one stress after another, […]

Luke 6:36-42: What goes around comes around?

“Stop judging, and you’ll not be judged.” But, of course, you and I have judged. We’ve judged the motives of those who have offended us. We’ve have acted rashly and […]

Luke 15:1-2, 11-32: The Prodigal Son

The Pharisees were grousing against the outrageousness of God’s grace. “This man [Jesus] receives sinners and eats with them.” Now, that’s wonderful news for you and me—if we see ourselves […]

Luke 14:15-24: Come, for the Feast is Prepared!

It’s a sight to behold! The table is creaking, laden with a load of food, all ready to be eaten. You can see baked fowl, roasted beef, a rack of […]

Genesis 2:18-24: 50th Wedding Anniversary Service for Bob and Karen Sands

The next time you want to hear a good love story, you don’t have to rent a “chick flick” DVD or watch it on Netflix. Neither do you have to […]

Isaiah 6:1-7: “Holy! Holy! Holy!” to the Holy Trinity

Isaiah was having a bad day. He was in the Temple, offering the daily burnt sacrifice for the sins of Israel. It was a straightforward task, no different from the […]

Acts 2: It Had All Been For This

It had all been for this. Jesus ascended into heaven, taking His seat at the right hand of the Father, that position of authority and power, all to pour out […]

Luke 24:44-53: Preaching Repentance into the Forgiveness of Sins

It’s easy to think of Jesus ascending into heaven as His goodbye to His people. But that isn’t so. Jesus’ ascension wasn’t a goodbye, even though we who live in […]