We still find Moses on Mt. Sinai receiving instructions from God. Last week, God told Moses how he was to anoint, consecrate, and ordaining priests into the Old-Covenant Priesthood. God now tells Moses of the Evening and Morning sacrifices that were to be made every day. The Daily Sacrifices Read Exodus 29:38-46 – What […]
Philippians, Lesson 4: Living Like Christ
We finished last week’s lesson with Paul and Timothy exhorting the Philippian Christians to “work out,” that is to perform and live out their salvation with fear and trembling. And then they explained how that was done: For it is God who works in you. Living like Christ (continued) Read Philippians 2:14 In the Greek […]
Exodus, Lesson 26: Priestly Ordination
We still find Moses on Mt. Sinai receiving instructions from God. Last week, we learned what made up the priestly attire, although little was explained why the priests’ clothing was the way it was. God told Moses to anoint, consecrate, and ordain the priests. That is the topic of this lesson. Anointing, Consecrating, and Ordaining […]
Philippians, Lesson 3: Jesus’ Humiliation and Exaltation
Paul and Timothy ended chapter 1 with words about, not only believing in Christ, but also suffering because of Him. That was what living as a citizen of the Gospel involved. For most people, a call to suffering is not encouraging. So, Paul moves on to speak of the encouragement we have in Christ. A […]
Exodus, Lesson 25: The High Priest’s Garments
Yes, Moses is still receiving instructions from God on the Tabernacle and the courtyard. Now God tells Moses how the priests are to be dressed when they perform their priestly functions. From Firstborn Son to Aaron’s Sons Read Exodus 28:1 – Whom does God appoint to serve as priests among His people? – Up […]
Philippians, Lesson 2: To Live or Die in Christ
In the last lesson, Paul urged the Philippian Christians to abound in love but also in knowledge and discernment. Thus, Paul exhorted them, not only to live out the faith, but also to know the content of the faith (knowledge) and how to apply it (discernment). Paul, through Timothy, now moves to reflect on his […]
Exodus, Lesson 24: The Bronze Altar, Courtyard, and Oil for the Lamp
Moses is still getting instructions from God on the specifics of what is and around the Tabernacle. God now give Moses instructions on the Bronze altar. The Bronze Altar Read Exodus 27:1-8 The bronze altar, also known as the altar of burnt offering, was the large altar that stood in the center court. It was […]
Philippians, Lesson 1
In 359 BC, Philip II, the father of Alexander the Great, began what would later become the great Greek empire around the western Mediterranean world and Southwest Asia. Expanding from Macedonia, he annexed some territory, which had in it a city named Krenides (meaning “fountains”). Philip enlarged, fortified, and renamed the city after himself: “Philippi.” […]
Exodus, Lesson 23: The Tabernacle
As we continue to study Exodus, Moses is still on top of the Mount Sinai receiving instructions from God, so he and the Israelites may “do according to the pattern shown to [him] on the mountain.” In the last couple of lessons, we have looked at the items inside the tabernacle: The Ark of the […]
Exodus, Lesson 22: God Continues to Furnish His Tabernacle, Pt. 2
Moses is still on top of the mountain getting instructions from God on what is to be in the Tabernacle, the Old-Covenant’s predecessor of the Temple. So far, we’ve learned about the Ark of the Covenant and the Table of Presence. Today, we look at the lampstand, which was in the same area of the […]