Our Life with God, Lesson 12: Fasting

In part of these lessons, we’ve used Matthew 6 as a template for the Christian life.  In that chapter, Jesus describes (not commands) what the life of being a disciple entails: helping the poor, praying, and fasting.  Jesus did not command them because such a living of the faith was so obvious that it He […]

Our Take on Purgatory, Pt. 2

This is the concluding article on the Lutheran view of the Roman-Catholic doctrine of purgatory.   Continuing our look into the Roman-Catholic doctrine of purgatory, Rome teaches: All who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death, they undergo purification, so as to achieve […]

Our Life with God, Lesson 11: Christian Prayer, Pt. 4: Prayers for the Sainted Dead

After taking a look a one-lesson excursion on what it means to praise God, we again approach the topic of prayer.  Today, we examine the topic of praying for those who have died in the faith, whose souls are now in heaven.  Before we get to the “why,” we see if such praying is in […]

Our Life with God, Lesson 10: A Theology of Praise

We take a one-lesson excursion from our look into prayer into praising God (which also involves prayer).  Last week, a question was asked about what it means to praise God.  I answered, but I do not think I answered the question fully.  So, here we go!   Praising God Begins with God Being Present for […]

Our Life with God, Lesson 9: Christian Prayer, Pt. 3

We now look further into prayer, looking at specific verses that help shape our life of prayer. Fervent Prayer The traditional wording of James 5:16 is this: “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”  This has fostered in some that if your prayer isn’t fervent enough (with intensity, with genuine heart-felt passion), […]

The Lutheran Church and Purgatory, Pt. 1

This is our pastor’s newsletter article for the June 2016 issue of our congregational newsletter. Last month, we looked the body’s resurrection and the intermediate state of our souls being in heaven until Jesus calls forth our bodies on the Last Day. The Roman-Catholic Church also believes in an intermediate state of existence for heaven-bound […]

Our Life with God, Lesson 8: Christian Prayer, Pt. 2

Last week, we looked at the Lord’s Prayer as a model prayer and a prayer to say verbatim.  Today, we continue looking into why we pray when our Father knows what we need ever before we pray—and other topics.   Why Pray?  “Grace Alone” Jesus doesn’t command prayer (just like He doesn’t command helping the […]

Our Life with God, Lesson 7: Christian Prayer

If we want to know about Christian prayer, then we turn to the Christ, who gave us His prayer. Read Matthew 6:5-6 When Jesus says, “When you pray,” what does He assume is part of His disciples’ lives?   What does Jesus NOT want our prayers to become?   Read Matthew 6:7-8 “empty phrases”: Greek, […]

Our Life with God, Lesson 6: Helping the Poor and Stewardship

We earlier looked at vocation—serving others in our everyday lives.  For this to happen well, it requires managing what we have in a good way.  Thus, a look into stewardship is proper.   The Origins of Stewardship Genesis 1 tells us of God creating the world and everything in it.  “The earth is the Lord’s, […]

Satan, Demons, and Christ’s Descent into Hell

The Creation of the Angels In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1).  The angels were part of this creation from the beginning. In Job’s suffering, God told him about the creation of the world.  “Who laid [the world’s] cornerstone while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted […]