Jesus has traveled north to preach in the synagogue. He has returned to Nazareth, His hometown. And what He preaches shows that He is the one who fulfills God’s promises. Jesus unrolls the scroll containing the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, to read the appointed reading for the day. He finds the right spot and […]
Suffering Through the Lenses of Job, Lesson 1: Introduction
The Big Picture Events in the Old-Testament book of Job take place in two realms. Amid Job’s suffering, we can see a conflict occurring between Job and Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. The “friends” of Job assert that righteous people enjoy earthly blessings and prosperity, but the wicked suffer. In their worldview, Job must then be […]
It’s Not Either Or
This is our pastor’s article for the February edition of our congregational newsletter. The longer I’m a pastor, the more I find that what we bring to the table shapes our understanding of Scripture and, thus, the faith, even more than what a Scripture passage may say! Let me give you a personal example. About […]
2 Corinthians 12:3-13: The Gifts of the Spirit
Before the time of Jesus, God limited His gifts of speaking to prophets, judges, the 70 elders of Israel, and two other men in Moses’ day (Numbers 11:24-29). Oh, well there was that donkey (Num 22:28-30)! But life for God’s people is now different. Jesus’ resurrection has ushered in the age of the Spirit, first […]
2 Corinthians, Lesson 20: Conclusion
Having announced his planned visit to Corinth for a third visit, Paul decision to go there remains firm. Paul Remains Ready Read 2 Corinthians 13:1 “by the evidence”: Paul retained Deuteronomy’s “by the mouth” (in both the Masoretic Text and Septuagint). Paul will connect the idea of what comes out of the mouth (speech) […]
2 Corinthians, Lesson 19: Paul’s Planned Third Visit
Having shown how he exalted in his weakness, so Christ may be exalted all the more, Paul now concludes his boasting in is weakness. Conclusion of Paul Boasting in His Weakness Read 2 Corinthians 12:11-12 Paul asserts he is not inferior to whom? Why? Excursus: “Signs and Wonders”: From Exodus to Corinth “Signs […]
Luke 3:15-22: Baptized for You to Fulfill All Righteousness
When Jesus came the Jordan River for John to baptize Him, the entire Old Covenant came face to face with its Fulfillment. Every saving act of God, from Noah’s flood to the Red Sea, to the Temple sacrifices of atonement, came head to head with the Person to whom they pointed. Those events in the […]
2 Corinthians, Lesson 18: Weak that Christ May be Strong
Paul and Timothy are dealing with the disruption caused by false apostles in the Church at Corinth. As a review, we know little about these “false apostles.” Here is what we do know. They: were ethnically Jewish (11:22); brought letters of recommendation for themselves, which they used to sanction what they were doing (3:1); preached […]
Isaiah 60:1-6, Matthew 2:1-12: What’s Revealed in the Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
They came bringing gifts—but found the better One. They left the blindness of deepest darkness, coming to the pure Light, finding the source of eternal Gladness. They came to the Jews but found a Gift greater than themselves, meant for all the Gentiles. So, who are “they”? They are the wise men, sometimes called kings, […]
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Galatians 4:1-7: The Now of God’s Timing
What is time? The dictionary says it is the interval, or period, between two events. It can also be a continued progression when something happens. And we measure that interval in seconds, minutes, hours, years, even centuries But then the dictionary also adds these many time-related expressions. We have a time capsule, time-consuming, time-honored, and […]