2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9 Hebrews 11:1-2, 35, 39-12:1-2 Luke 15:1-7 Jackie was an enigma to me. I don’t mean as a friend but as a pastor. We met a few years ago, and the specifics of our first meeting are now forgotten memories to me. Jackie was a neighbor and our paths often crossed. […]
Memorial Service for Jackie Roschi
Jackie Roschi’s memorial service will be held on Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. at the Kimberling City Senior Center, Pastor Richard Futrell officiating. Jacqueline Roschi, of Kimberling City, MO was the daughter of Arthur and Wilhelmine (Berner) Roschi. She was born on August 11, 1931 in Milwaukee, WI and departed this life on […]
Galatians 6:1-10: Reaping What Was Sown
Everything else being equal, a tried-and-true principle exists in this world: You reap the seeds you sow. Do you want to harvest a wheat crop during the autumn? You plant the seed in the spring, harvesting what you earlier planted. This principle is also true when it comes to the evil in life. Someone who […]
Our Life with God, Lesson 14: Evangelism, Part 2
Evangelism takes place within our everyday vocations. Through Word and Sacrament, the pastor evangelizes as He brings Jesus to others and the life Jesus gives. This is the pastor “discipling” others, as Jesus gives His pastors to do. The layperson also evangelizes in his everyday vocations. He does this by letting his light shine on […]
Luke 9:51-62: Preconditions Not Allowed
Jesus sets His gaze on Jerusalem, the city where He will be “taken up.” “Taken up” is shorthand for dying for the sins of the world, rising to life on the third day, and then returning to the Father in heaven. Jesus does this all for you and your salvation. So, He goes forward without […]
Our Life with God, Lesson 13: Evangelism, Part 1
Evangel: From the Greek word euangelion, meaning “good news,” the Gospel. Although evangel means “good news,” the evangel is more than information that happens to be good. This “good news” has the power within it to do what it says. Romans 1:16: I am not ashamed of the gospel [euangelion], because it is God’s power […]
Our Life with God, Lesson 12: Fasting
In part of these lessons, we’ve used Matthew 6 as a template for the Christian life. In that chapter, Jesus describes (not commands) what the life of being a disciple entails: helping the poor, praying, and fasting. Jesus did not command them because such a living of the faith was so obvious that it He […]
Psalm 3
So, when you woke up this morning, did you arise as royalty? Whether you felt like you were or not, Scripture says you are. “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession” (1 Peter 2:9). You are royalty. You will reign with God in eternity after Christ returns on […]
Our Take on Purgatory, Pt. 2
This is the concluding article on the Lutheran view of the Roman-Catholic doctrine of purgatory. Continuing our look into the Roman-Catholic doctrine of purgatory, Rome teaches: All who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death, they undergo purification, so as to achieve […]
Our Life with God, Lesson 11: Christian Prayer, Pt. 4: Prayers for the Sainted Dead
After taking a look a one-lesson excursion on what it means to praise God, we again approach the topic of prayer. Today, we examine the topic of praying for those who have died in the faith, whose souls are now in heaven. Before we get to the “why,” we see if such praying is in […]