Psalm 27: The Lord is My Light and My Salvation

Christmas Day is past.  The multi-colored lights are coming down, and dried-up trees now find themselves in the trash heap.  Is the season of Christmas so soon dimmed?  The grand season of blinking lights comes and goes, with little more effect than crumpled tinsel on a discarded tree. Such gloomy thoughts may cause us to […]

New Year’s Schedule

Our New-Year’s Eve Service is on Saturday, December 31 at 5:00 PM.  The central focus is from Psalm 27: The Lord in my light and my salvation.  Whom should I fear? For January 1, we will be celebrating the second Sunday of Christmas at 9:30 AM.  The Service’s theme is from Galatians 4: In the Fullness […]

John 1:1-14, Revelation 12:1-5: The Cosmic Battle of the Incarnation

Our Lord’s coming in Luke’s Gospel gives us the crèche and the baby’s manger.  In John’s Gospel, we, instead, find a cosmic battle tucked within.  He mentions no characters by name, not Mary or Joseph.  The singing angels and awestruck shepherds are missing in action.  Where is the mention of Bethlehem? In the beginning is […]

Luke 2:1-20, The Song of the Angels

Christmas night: The night when God’s blessings come to us—and more.  They also come to calm our troubled souls.  In ages past, long ago, God revealed Himself in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.  He also revealed Himself, not only in a still small voice but also in […]

Christmas Day Service, 9:30 AM

Our Christmas Day Service is on December 25, at 9:30 AM.  It is a Divine Service, which is a Service of the preached Word and the Lord’s Supper.  (We will be having no Sunday School on Christmas Day.) We will be singing many of the lesser-known Christmas hymns.  You’ll be surprised how many you know […]

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7:00 PM

On Christmas Eve, December 24, at 7:00 PM, is our Service of Carols and Candlelight.  We will also be finishing our series on The Canticles of Christmas, delighting in the song the Angel choir sang to the shepherds, which we call “The Gloria.” We will sing many of your favorite Christmas hymns, ending with Silent […]

Deuteronomy 18:15-19: Jesus, the Greater Moses

The Ten Commandments always hammer home the same truth.  God gave His “Words,” which is what the Hebrew of the Old Testament calls them, at Mt. Sinai, described in Exodus 20.  God carved His words on a stone tablet for His people, Israel.  The event filled God’s people with fear: Thunder boomed, lightning cracked, and […]

Church is Cancelled for Sunday, December 18

All Church activities for Sunday, December 18 are cancelled. The weather forecast has a 50% chance of snow Saturday night, with an accompanying possibility of icy roads.  Even if your roads are clear, the church’s steep driveway becomes dangerous to drive on with a thin layer of ice. What made us decide to cancel church, […]

Romans, Lesson 16: Living in Christian Hope

In this life, we will experience suffering, for we live in a fallen world.  “In Christ,” His suffering is ours—even if we are not suffering for being Christians.  If we are in Him, we have what He gives us, which includes being glorified with Him on the Last Day.  We know how the story ends—and […]

The Canticles of Christmas: Luke 2:25-35, “Simeon’s Song”

Our Lord Jesus comes to His Temple as an infant.  He will come many other times: when He is 12 to sit and teach the teachers, in His last week before His death to drive out the moneychangers.  Jesus will also come to His Temple in mercy to proclaim the Kingdom of God and, on […]