The Apocrypha, Lesson 1: Background–The Jews Lose their Hebrew

In Jesus’ day, Greek was the “universal” language around the Mediterranean world.  Earlier, most Jews lost their ability to read and speak in Hebrew during their captivity in Babylon.  Hebrew became the domain of rabbis, who learned it to read the Scriptures.  We learn of this loss in Nehemiah. Read Nehemiah 8:1, 5-8 The household […]

Psalm 23: The Holy Hunter

A chapter about the Lord and His sheep.  Such a poor reputation comes with these wool-covered creatures.  For they are gamey to the nose and stupid of mind, too quick to roam and become lost.  Such poor eyesight, but they do recognize their shepherd’s voice!  For sheep to thrive, they must learn to live by […]

Romans, Lesson 30: Greetings and Conclusion

  After asking the congregation in Rome to welcome Phoebe, a deaconess, and likely the courier for his letter, Paul now mentions many names in the congregation at Rome.   Read Romans 16:3-15     Jewish Male (5) Jewish Female (2) Gentile Male (13) Gentile Female (7) Acquila Prisca (Priscilla) Epaenetus (Greek) Mary (common Jewish […]

Romans, Lessons 28-29: Paul’s Appeal and a study on Deaconesses by way of Phoebe

Paul shared his plans to visit Rome on his way to Spain.  But first, he needs to deliver the monetary aid to the Jerusalem Christians, and so he makes a request of the Roman Christians.   A Final Appeal Read Romans 15:30-32 What does Paul ask of the Roman Christians, in general?   What does […]

Luke 24:1-8: Remember What Jesus Told You

The angel asks a strange question.  “Why do you seek the living among the dead?”  The answer is clear.  “Where else will Jesus be?”  These women awoke early in the morning, not wanting to leave their Lord’s body without a proper burial. With heavy footsteps, laden with grief, they talk.  How will they anoint the […]

Good Friday, The Centurion: This Man, Jesus, is the Son of God!

The day is dark on a Friday so long ago.  The life drains from an unusual man as He goes to His gloomy end.  Is He not supposed to be the One, prophesied by Scripture?  Yes, but we find Him too powerless to save Himself.  The injustice of corrupt leaders and what is expedient for […]

Jesus, Our Passover Lamb

Exodus 6:2-8, Exodus 12:1-14, and Luke 22:14-20   The end is near.  The words our Savior speaks are clear, “I wanted much to eat this Passover with you [, my disciples,] before I suffer.”  “The Son of Man is going to his death according to God’s plan.” The path of death is now before Him.  For […]

Al and Gloria Hynek’s Funeral Sermon

Job 13:20-25; Romans 5:8-10;  John 3:1-7, 9-12, 16-17   A story of love and a story of heartbreak.  One sentence to describe my understanding of Al and Gloria in my life as their pastor.  One comes to worship and joins in the life of this congregation, the other stays on the fringes, cloistered in the […]

Holy Week Services

As we remember the way our Lord took for our salvation, we do so with three services this week: Maundy Thursday, April 13: 7:oo PM, which is a Divine Service with a spoken liturgy Good Friday, April 14: 7:00 PM, the most somber service of the entire year, our Savior dying to give us eternal life Easter, […]

Palm Monday: Matthew 21:12-16

The wonders of Jesus confront the chief priests and scribes.  In the Temple, the Father’s House, the Son, soon to die, causes eyes to open in surprise.  The children respond, bringing honor to God for His unexpected blessings. The triumphal entry into Jerusalem does cause the people to sit up and wonder—but what takes place […]