At last, power! A fitting display of vigor and vitality for the saving Word to sally forth into the world! No more modesty of the Christ-child sleeping among the animals […]
John: Lesson 7: Jesus Goes to “Court” (John 5:30-47)
After Jesus heals a paralyzed man on the Sabbath, others begin to oppose Him publicly. Jesus refutes the charges of violating the Sabbath based on His identity as the faithful […]
John: Lesson 6: Opposition to Jesus becomes Public (John 5:1-29)
Up until now, Jesus has mostly been working with individuals, but in this section of the Gospel, His ministry begins to engage with larger groups, both followers and dissenters. In […]
Acts 1:12-26: The Office is Greater than the Man
Most of us don’t realize how much North Africans influenced our Christian thinking. For instance, they became the first to worship in Latin. So, much of western Christian thought came […]
Unnoticed Connections in Scripture: Lesson 4: Numbers
Counting in Hebrew The Hebrew language didn’t use numbers. Instead, letters took on the task of denoting numerical values. Like Roman numerals, each letter denotes a value (“I” = one; […]
Acts 1:6-11: Christ’s Ascension Doesn’t Mean He’s Now Trapped in Heaven
This was our pastor’s sermon for the pastoral circuit meeting (winkel) on Tuesday, May 9, 2018. The book of Acts tells us of the first Christians as they brought […]
John: Lesson 5: Jesus Points the People to His Word (John 4:27-4:54)
Recap and Intro Like Nicodemus, the woman did not get the “greater” sign (living water). She did, however, recognize Jesus came from God by the “lesser” signs He gave her: […]
Unnoticed Connections in Scripture: Lesson 3: Blood
God’s Prohibition In the Old Covenant, God forbade His people to drink blood. After the flood, God commanded Noah, “You must not eat meat with its life, its blood, in […]
Ascension: Jesus is Gone into Heaven. Now What?
This is our pastor’s article for the May edition of our newsletter. This year, Ascension Day falls a May 3rd. Such a neglected and almost-forgotten festival. Consider how few […]
John 15:5-9: Fed From the True Vine
The Old Testament often describes God as a gardener or vinedresser, who tends to His vineyards. The vines He cares for, which He planted and tended with loving care, are […]