Mark 7:24-37: Knocked Down by Sin and Death

In less than a week, two deaths—Sandy Webb and Donna Kind-Gappa.  So close together, we are left unable to make sense of this.  Inside, we are a mess of emotions, disturbed and rattled. Somehow, this smacks of betrayal.  For if God is real, how can he let this happen, a few days apart?  Only a […]

Sandy Webb’s Funeral and Memorial Service

Sandy Webb passed away September 3, 2018, from complications of breast cancer.  Her services will be held at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church on September 15, 2018, at 11 am.  Pastor Richard Futrell will be officiating with Nancy Heine as the organist.  A graveside service will be scheduled at a later date at the Immanuel […]

Ephesians 5:22-33: Love and Submission?

Such a reviled word, submission.  Given a different worldview, which concerns itself for others, we set aside our desires and rights for the benefit of another.  Now, this is part of following Jesus because He did the same for us.  The rights and privileges of being God, He put away, becoming human, walking the road […]

Psalm 68:6, Dean Webb’s Funeral Sermon: God Brings Those in the Prison House to Where?

“The two ways—one of life and one of death, and a vast chasm exists between the two” (Didache 1:1).  So begins a 1st-century document, meant for Gentile converts entering a Church filled with Jewish Christians.  Such are the subjects Dean delighted in learning during my time as his pastor. Today, you will not find yourself […]

Dean Webb’s Memorial Service

The memorial service for Dean Webb will be on Saturday, August 11, 2018, at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Kimberling City, Mo. Roy “Dean” Webb, 81, of Branson West, died Saturday, June 30, 2018.  Born on March 28, 1937, in Independence, MO, as the son of Clarence and Carol Crawford Webb, he later […]

John: Lesson 9: The Food of God’s Kingdom (John 6:25 – 71)

Jesus is back in Galilee with another Passover soon approaching.  He crossed over the Sea of Galilee and a crowd follows Him there.  Hungry, Jesus took five loaves and seven fish and multiplied them to feed a crowd of 5,000 men, plus women and children. Both Jesus and His disciples leave and the crowd follows […]

Lord of the Sabbath: Mark 2:23-28

The disciples and Jesus are walking through a barley or wheat field.  Some Pharisees, a group of legalistic Jews, are standing by, ready to ambush them.  For Jesus chafed them the wrong way, going against their grain.  In the other Gospel accounts, we learn they are hungry.  So what are they to do? Tired and […]

Holy Trinity: John 3:1-17

So naive is Nicodemus.  In the concealed obscurity of night, he visits Jesus.  Though seeking to remain undetected, he offers Him the highest praise, “Rabbi, you must be a teacher come from God.  For no one can perform the signs you do unless God is with him” (John 3:2).  Swept away by His miracles, such […]

John: Lesson 8: Jesus Feeds a Crowd to … (John 6:1 – 24)

In John 2, Jesus went to Jerusalem for Passover (John 2:24, 4:43-44).  Now we find almost a year has elapsed and Jesus is back in Galilee with another Passover soon approaching.  This shows us John leaves out a lot, including the more important points we need (John 20:31).    Jesus Feeds a Crowd  Read John […]

Unnoticed Connections in Scripture, Lesson 5: Numbers Continued

In this lesson, we continue exploring the significance of numbers in the Bible.  For we find specific numbers coming up over and again throughout Scripture.  For example, God commanded His people to celebrate seven festivals in the Old Covenant—four during spring and three in the autumn.  These three fall festivals all took place in the […]