Wherever and whenever Jesus and His cross appear, hostility will eventually follow. Opposition and, sometimes, even persecution will follow–not outward glory. For Christ hides His glory under the cross of rejection. What should surprise us, however, is the source of that opposition and persecution! Who is the most hostile and has the most hatred toward […]
Hidden in our Savior’s Sighs: Luke 22:39-46
Lent is a distinctive season of the Church year. In Lent, we follow Jesus to Jerusalem and to the cross. Lent is also a glorious season of the Church year, but its glory is hidden in the cross. Those who don’t take Lent seriously will never see God’s glory. This evening, we examine how God’s […]
Hidden in our Savior’s Solitude: Luke 18:31-34
In Jesus’ call to us on Ash Wednesday, He gives us a blood-curdling preview of what we are about to see in this momentous drama of Lent. It is horrible. And it is shocking. We, His creation, will mock and insult the Creator of the universe. How can that be? The one who gave us […]