Thanksgiving, Advent & Christmas Worship Schedule

Join us for worship in person or online this Advent & Christmas Season. Advent Midweek 7:00 PM services will be in person and online while the 1:00 PM services will be in person only.        Thanksgiving, Advent, & Christmas Services Thanksgiving Eve Wednesday, November 27th 5:00 PM Advent Services Every Sunday starting Sunday, […]

Advent & Christmas Worship Schedule

Join us for worship in person or online this Advent & Christmas season. Advent Midweek 7:00 PM services will be in person and online while the 1:00 PM services will be in person only.          Thanksgiving Services Thanksgiving Eve Wednesday, November 22nd 7:00 PM Advent Services First Sunday of Advent – Divine […]

Deuteronomy 8:1-10: Thank God!

In the short creation account in the book of Job, the Almighty’s angels approached the brink of becoming breathless. The created magnificence captivated them. So moved, “the morning stars sang together, and the angels shouted for joy.” Next Job tells us why. The Almighty “shut the sea behind doors as it gushed forth from the […]

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Our annual Thanksgiving Eve Service is Wednesday, November 24th at 7:00 PM–a time to reflect on the blessings in our lives.   Besides thanksgiving hymns and prayers, we will also learn from Jesus healing a man and how his response and attitude are helpful for us, centuries later.

Psalm 103: Thanksgiving

My soul, bless the Lord; all my inmost being, praise His holy name.  Praise the Lord and do not forget all His benefits.  Oh, if only, if every wish of my heart, bone, and being, thought and breath, contained the strength to esteem our Lord! How impossible!  For when I tell my being not to […]

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Our Thanksgiving Eve service will be at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, November 21. Included will be many favorite hymns centered on being thankful, including “Now Thank We All Our God,” “O Worship the King,” “O Bless the Lord, My Soul,” and “Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise.” Not only will this service give time and place to […]

Matthew 22:1-10, Galatians 3:27, Isaiah 61:10-11: Thanksgiving in Robes of Righteousness

The Lord Jesus tells a tale of a wedding feast, to which a king invites others to attend.  Earlier, those asked to take part agreed, confirming their attendance according to the custom of the day.  First, the invitation goes out.  Those who plan to be present respond, and when the feast is later ready, a […]

Deuteronomy 26:1-11: Thanksgiving and Thanks-living

Desiccated lips become the desert land, cracking under the unrelenting sky.  Her skin begins to blister, stinging red from the blazing sun.  The Autumn day scorches the farm field, baking it as the heat of Summer.  Her head swims, woozy, waves of distorted air rising from the ground, altering the shape of the wheat. She […]

Deuteronomy 8:1-10: Thanksgiving

It’s tempting for Americans to read Deuteronomy 8 and think that it’s all about us. Moses writes about a good land, “a land with rivers and deep springs flowing forth into the valleys and hills.” He writes of a land of wheat, barley, and many others foods. But wait, there’s more. Moses also says that […]

Thanksgiving Sermon: What Faith Is and What Faith Does

Our Old Testament reading had with these words: “Keep the commands of the Lord your God by walking in His ways and fearing Him.” So, how’s that going for you? How well are you keeping them, His Commandments, the Ten Words that God gave to Moses to give to the people of Israel? So let’s […]