1 Kings 19:11-21: God humbles Himself, bringing life, not death

Who here has never been burnt out? Who has never felt emptied of strength, energy, and motivation? It could be overwork and “underplay.” It could be one stress after another, draining your reserves past empty, leaving you gasping on fumes. That was Elijah in our Old Testament reading. He had just faced down the prophets […]

Mark 1:29-39: Why Jesus Came

Imagine if we had a Jesus in Kimberling City.  Imagine that!  What if we had a Jesus who would open His door each day, so people could see Him for healing?  People could bring others who were sick for Jesus to heal them of their illnesses. If that were so, we wouldn’t need Skaggs at […]

God’s Purpose for Your Life

Within today’s church, it’s a peculiarity of our self-focused culture and age to wonder “What is God’s purpose for my life?”  Now, that’s not a wrong sentiment in itself.  But it is seeking something from God with which many Christians did not earlier concern themselves.  For long before it became a trend to wonder about […]

What are we to do as a congregation?

What are We to Do? By Pr. Rich Futrell Every Christian congregation has a worship service (if not, it’s not a “church”).  Usually, there’s also some Bible study.  Congregations also have, as part of their congregational lives, funerals, weddings, confirmations, and so on.  But beyond that, what should we do as a congregation?  Apart from […]