Who here has never been burnt out? Who has never felt emptied of strength, energy, and motivation? It could be overwork and “underplay.” It could be one stress after another, […]
Mark 1:29-39: Why Jesus Came
Imagine if we had a Jesus in Kimberling City. Imagine that! What if we had a Jesus who would open His door each day, so people could see Him for […]
God’s Purpose for Your Life
Within today’s church, it’s a peculiarity of our self-focused culture and age to wonder “What is God’s purpose for my life?” Now, that’s not a wrong sentiment in itself. But […]
What are we to do as a congregation?
What are We to Do? By Pr. Rich Futrell Every Christian congregation has a worship service (if not, it’s not a “church”). Usually, there’s also some Bible study. Congregations also […]