Long before the beginnings of print, before television infiltrated our lives, people gathered in their communities and told stories. These entertained and educated, and passed down a culture’s history and tradition. The power of the story shaped the way people thought and helped mold and maintain a cohesive community. Picture the Israelites. Though scholars wrote […]
The Apocrypha, Lesson 13: 1-2 Maccabees, Pt. 3
Recap In 164 BC, with the ouster of Antiochus Epiphanes from Israel, the Israelites began to celebrate a festival every year to remember the dedication, or restoration, of the Temple. For the one who claimed to be God in human flesh was defeated and proper worship restored. Jesus used His celebration of this feast (John […]
Palm Monday: Matthew 21:12-16
The wonders of Jesus confront the chief priests and scribes. In the Temple, the Father’s House, the Son, soon to die, causes eyes to open in surprise. The children respond, bringing honor to God for His unexpected blessings. The triumphal entry into Jerusalem does cause the people to sit up and wonder—but what takes place […]
Palm Sunday: John 12:12-19: What the Donkey Tells Us
Right now, we have no audio of this sermon to post. If that changes, the sermon will be uploaded. Perhaps, you delighted in watching the old movie clips. Perhaps, you lived it. World War 2 was over, and we welcomed our veterans back home, victorious from the fight. Flags lined the procession. Guests of honor […]
John 12:12-19, 1 Maccabees 13:43-48, 51-52, Zechariah 9:9-12: The Jesus You Need
Lent began with Jesus fasting. Immediately after He was baptized, the Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness to face down the devil. During those 40 days, Jesus chose not to eat food, spending time in prayer and meditation, battling against the tempter. Now those 40 days of temptation, of Lent, draw near to their […]
Matthew 21:1-11: Jesus Still Comes to Us
People confess what is within them by what they do. People show what they believe by what they do with their hands, feet, and head. For example, when a Lutheran kneels at the Communion rail, he confesses that before him is God, Jesus’ body and blood in the bread and wine. Look at what people […]
Palm Sunday Sermon
Today, we’re saddled with an Old Testament that Jesus and His disciples didn’t use. They used the Septuagint, which was the Old Testament translated into Greek. But what distinguishes their Old Testament from ours even more is that it had books that our Old Testament is lacking. Those were also books that we Lutherans had […]
Holy Week
Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, March 24th. On Thursday, we will have a Maundy Thursday service, using a Lord’s Supper liturgy from the oldest liturgies in the New Testament Church. On Friday, we will remember our Lord’s death and the salvation He worked through that. Services times are: Palm Sunday: 9:30 AM Maundy Thursday: […]
Our King Comes In Humility: Zechariah 9:9-10
Suppose the President of the United States was coming to town. You then set up chairs at the side of the road and wait to see him. A short while later, the traffic begins to thin out on the road. You hear the thumping sound of helicopter blades overhead. Ten minutes later, the road is […]
Palm Sunday: Philippians 4:4-9
Lent is now ending. And so we start to lay our Lenten meditations aside, and walk with our Lord through the last week of His earthly life. For this is the week of weeks. And in this week, our Lord is especially calling you to fix your eyes on Him. As we enter Holy Week, […]