1 Corinthians 2:1-16: Christ’s Cross Casts Its Beams

The night engulfs the day sky, a blanket descending upon the earth. Death looms in the afternoon, the sun retreating its rays, ashamed by the spectacle. On two rough-hewn beams […]

Luke 10:25-37: Inherit Eternal Life?

Love God and love your neighbor. What could be simpler? You can condense the entire Law of God in one word: Love. Is God’s Law that simple? Not when the […]

Deuteronomy 18:15-19: Jesus, the Greater Moses

The Ten Commandments always hammer home the same truth.  God gave His “Words,” which is what the Hebrew of the Old Testament calls them, at Mt. Sinai, described in Exodus […]

The Ten Words: Exodus 20:1-17

If you remember your confirmation instruction, you may remember the three purposes of God’s Law.  God’s Law serves as a curb, a mirror, and a guide.  The curbing part of […]