Jesus is back in Galilee with another Passover soon approaching. He crossed over the Sea of Galilee and a crowd follows Him there. Hungry, Jesus took five loaves and seven fish and multiplied them to feed a crowd of 5,000 men, plus women and children. Both Jesus and His disciples leave and the crowd follows […]
John: Lesson 8: Jesus Feeds a Crowd to … (John 6:1 – 24)
In John 2, Jesus went to Jerusalem for Passover (John 2:24, 4:43-44). Now we find almost a year has elapsed and Jesus is back in Galilee with another Passover soon approaching. This shows us John leaves out a lot, including the more important points we need (John 20:31). Jesus Feeds a Crowd Read John […]
The Bread of Life You Need
This is our pastor’s latest “From the Pulpit” article for the Stone County Gazette. Do you know one of the saddest events in the Bible? It was when many followers of Jesus rejected Him because He wasn’t the Savior they wanted. It’s in John 6. Jesus had just fed a crowd of 5,000, and […]